[h3]Luna[/h3] Luna would glance up before an explosion rang out and threw her across the ground. She'd yell some once she hit the ground, and when she stopped rolling she'd start to get up, only to yell in pain and roll onto her back. Rubbing her right shoulder, the solar mage would take a few deep breaths before trying to get up using only her legs, but her growing dizziness would keep her on the ground. The red stain of blood seeping through her clothes on the left side would be quickly exacerbated, and she'd start to go pale. Going slowly, the Luna would manage to use her left arm and legs to stand up, and she'd stumble over to a wall, using it for support and trying to cover her injury. Luna would put her left arm on it and press as best she could, grunting through the pain, and looking up at her attacker. Or, more in his general direction as her vision was a tad blurry. She had no chance of winning a fight at this point, not even against a C-Class wizard, but she was going to at least try to last until time ran out. It couldn't last much longer, could it? Luna pointed her free hand at the general direction of the figure, grunting softly. [color=0000FF]"[i]Solar Flare![/i]"[/color] The attack would have almost no chance to hit, she knew, but she hoped it'd distract him for a moment while she started for the nearest something that could stop an attack. What was his first attack? Other than an explosion. She didn't see any kind of bolt before it happened, she remembered that, but she didn't think it was just a spontaneous explosion, and she was unsure if she could get up after a second one. She had to thank rigorous training with the other S-Classes for being able to get up at this point, and cursed herself for being weak enough to be about to go down already. Swallowing, and using some of her dwindling magic power, she cast one on the last spells she'd be able to. [color=0000FF]"[i]Solar Armor![/i]"[/color] The armor formed, but it was much dimmer than before, and lacked the wings this time. [@Joshua Tamashii]