[b]Name:[/b] Chang'e [b]Age:[/b] 26 [b]Position:[/b] Companion [b]Appearance/Clothing:[/b] [hider=Chang'e][img]http://orig11.deviantart.net/e635/f/2014/035/9/a/smite_chang_e_by_scebiqu-d751x97.jpg[/img][/hider] [b]Skills:[/b] Language (Common, Chinese, German), Lore (Societies, History) Deception (Manipulation), Art (Educated in most aspects, not especially good at all of them. Special mention to her talents in singing, bass, and accordions), Flyer, Astrogation, Carouse (perfectly at home in high society or a back alley bar), Keen Insight (people = magazines to be browsed), Athletics (Yoga, strength training, easily gets caught up in health fads that get waved to her), Masseuse, Archery, Discipline, Liaison, Diplomat. [b]Crimes Against The Alliance:[/b] First Degree Murder (Acquitted) [b]Additional Information:[/b] Keeps a bunny named Richard in her shuttle. [b]Weapons:[/b] She keeps a few ornamental weapons; a gentleman's sword given to her as a gift, a golden titanium super-imposed laser pistol never fired, and her own bow from her Academy training. The bow is the only weapon she's ever practiced. [b]Possessions:[/b] Her shuttle and everything in it [b]Personality:[/b] Truth is singular and the best the Verse can offer are varied half truths that contradict and blend and confuse. As a Companion and tourist of various societies she takes the truth and lies with a small smile, sigh, and sip of tea. She has that undefinable allure that welcomes others to rest and drink in for a moment's respite. An allure she works very hard to look effortless. Yet around the Firefly crew she has made a point to act coy and blush at the most innocent of questions. This was another of the 'Verse's many half-truths that didn't quite define a woman who seemed adamant to remain ephemeral in her interactions with the crew. [b]History:[/b] Tears, Sweat, Blood, and Tea. Rented out Heart of Gold's shuttle a month ago and has spent most of that month having it renovated to suit her needs.