[center][h2][color=662d91]Magni - Frenzy Plant Camp[/color][/h2][/center] You know, Magni's life had gotten a lot wierder when he decided to involve himself with people rather than himself. First, someone was throwing their own disembodied head like it was some sort of casual thing to do, there was a giant humanoid whale was holding an entire ship up with only its hands, there was more than one of those immensely power humanoid creatures in the world, and the strangest of all is why would a bunch of random strangers allow someone like himself to join this strange corp of mages. As the Antimage spared another moment on this train of thought, his fingers instinctively were forming to dig their way into Xyster's eye sockets... What? It was the easiest way to hold onto a dark mage's face, and it also doubled in as torture! Don't blame him. However, the Antimage's glance towards the soon to be impact on his hand revealed that he would be doing some type of damage on the Dullahan, so with a blur of speed, the Dullahan's head was soon placed upon the palm of Magni's hand, holding it just like a waiter would do with a tray of food. To be honest, it looked like Magni was about to do the whole Hamlet's monologue on that field, but he just stared blankly at the talking head. It was funny though, Magni held alot of severed heads, but this is the first one that spoke to him... Funny. So, as Xyster pulled her hand out, Magni flicked his wrist and the head went soaring straight into her reach. [color=662d91]"Ha."[/color] spoke Magni. Wait, was that his laugh towards the pun? Or, was he just being sarcastic? Either way, it was the first time he had done either of those things. "A 'Ha' indeed! That was a well executed pun I must say so myself. A pun that people can die from!" chuckled the Jester. He was sure that no one could hear his little remark, but all things were possible in this little cute realm! Still, he remained hidden within the tree line of the camp and watching like any kind of regular creep with his goal of sitting through and watching the weapon training from the Hermit's little friends. It was always nice to catch up on some training on his rusty weapon skills as it was pretty hard to keep track and practice every single type of weapon and style there is inside of the world in one session! So, Jack remained invisible doing some practice swings on the various weapons he had taken along with his trip and was ready to do something else fun when the time came for him to do so.