Shawn sat there after the first game of solitaire looking at the queen of hearts staring back at him. "Olivia has more important things to think about then you." He put the card face down just as a knock came at the door. "She must need a fillet knife." He thought. As He opened the door he saw Olivia standing there in a very attractive sweater dress. He had no words. He felt his face get hot. His eyes soaked in the view like a prepubescent boy looking at a sear's catalog. He stood there. She was so damn pretty. A few minutes and he found the words. "Hey. W-would you like some tea?" The boiling water helped heat the cabin. Shawn made the way for you to enter. He wasn't wearing his boots or socks. Just jeans and a light t-shirt. He got a cup and asked her how she liked her tea. "They had honey so I can do that if you like over regular sugar." He made the tea. Handing her the warm cup Shawn still had a very inviting smile and the color was still a faint red from earlier. He kept his distance and was polite. Shawn made sure to sit across from Olivia. To help focus on something else he put his left heel over his right pinky toe, and pressed hard. He sat up strait. "I didn't think you would have the energy after a day of fishing. Glad to see you prove me wrong. A-and thanks again for the help on my map it really made today easier." Shawn placed a hand behind his head and looked more at the table then at her. He took a deep breath and the color returned to his cheeks. When he looked at Olivia his eyes looked into hers and held there gaze until Shawn moved his head. "It looked like you had a good day as well." He took a hand and rubbed the back of his neck. "Sometimes I keep it a little hot in here. Are you comfortable?" He had a knife taped to the underneath of the table. He sat there and tried to remember were the others were, anything but what Olivia might be wearing underneath that sweater. He was grateful that the nit was tight. Why did she have to breath so munch. His face got a little redder. "I'm gonna get me another cup would you like one?"