[@21308] I am planning on going to university (and maybe even teaching in one way down the road but still not 100% sure I want to go down the path of dooming myself to an eternity in school or if I can even manage to get into a university, nevermind graduate with a Bachelors, nevermind a Masters, nevermind a PhD, nevermind teach :P), hopefully the same one I took my enrichment courses in, but who knows how circumstances will play out in a family like mine. And sorry about no pizza. XD [@Kronshi] That's 100% fine with me. [@Akayaofthemoon] I'm hoping it doesn't come down to me pretty much not being here at all but we'll see. Thank you both for understand. [@Universal5710] I've said this many times, but I'll say it again, sorry it turned out this way Nous. And everyone else. Orz Anyways, this is probably going to be the last post from me until tomorrow. No idea when tomorrow, but ye.