[hider=App] Name: SUBJECT K473. “Kane.” Age: 22 Age appears to be: 22 Species: Half Vampire Pic: [hider=My Hider] [img]http://i.imgur.com/YIcn9o9.png?1[/img] [/hider] Bio/History/Backstory: Kane was created in a hidden lab by a single man that believed that peace between all of this planet’s species was possible and ideal. The hope was that by splicing the genes of a pure vampire, and a pure human, he could create a powerful but loyal associate that followed his ideals. Someone to help him broker peace between the clashing species. The experiment was a success, and Dr. Abellian raised Kane from a baby, educating him of the outside world and training him to master his abilities. Eventually, Kane was ready for his first mission, which was to track down and kill a notorious rogue vampire dwelling in the same city that Kane was created in. Kane passed this first test with flying colors, and performed many more missions for Dr. Abellian. Whatever his Creator told him to do, Kane obeyed. However, as with all humans, Dr. Abellian’s health began to decline. He believed that Kane was ready to carry on their mission of creating a better world without him. It was hard for Kane to see his Creator leave him, but he knew he had to make him proud. Faction/Side/Alignment/Goals: The destruction of all people and organizations that would fight against the progress of a peaceful future. Evil vampires as well as organizations like HIVE and Purge need to be stopped. Personality: Kane has a very “the ends justify the means” personality. Doing whatever it takes to accomplish his goals. He doesn’t always like it, but he doesn’t believe he has much of a choice either. He has a dry sense of humor but also knows when it’s necessary to be serious. Powers: Kane possesses the power of telepathy. He has the standard increased strength, speed, and endurance, and healing of a vampire. However, due to only being a half vampire, some conventional weapons are able to harm him to a minor degree. Kane is also able to shift into the form of a raven and a black cat. Weapons: Kane wields two dual revolvers with silver bullets and a silver switchblade. Skills: Kane is a Jack of all Trades, with particular focus on marksmanship and close combat. Themesong: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U0cjRBfu8qc&index [/hider]