Name: Marni Jenkins Age: 24 Occupation: Was a naval medic, though she had given up the military life and gone for something a little more glamorous in the banking field. Family Life: Marni was an only child, her parents living on a strict budget. When she joined the Navy she moved away from home. She’s not sure if her folks are dead, though it seems likely. Originally from Colorado. Status: Single. There was this thing with a guy but he couldn't commit to the whole...being alive thing. yeah...Single. Definitely Single. Hair: Sandy Blonde Eyes: Hazel Green Height: 5’8” Weight: 165lbs Group: Walker Appearance: Marni, being a vain woman, took great care in her appearance before the outbreak. Now she tries her best to maintain a certain standard, it’s just harder to do without running water. Still her wavy blonde hair is braided back and pulled into a pony tail she likes to think of as ‘sporty’ (albeit a little shorter than she like…the ends a touch scorched) , her skin a little more weathered than it had been 9 months ago. Her physique has benefited from this whole process, where Marni was ‘fit’ before she would be categorized as ‘athletic’ now, with strong arms and a tight abdomen, who has to do cardio when they run this much? And can we talk about squats? Her ass is perfect and rock hard now… Mostly from climbing and dashing upstairs… But really, this is better than crossfit. Her military duds are lasting the best in this world so she can been seen in her navy camo and black pea coat. Her last name stitched onto the front pocket reads “ENKINS” . Photo:[img][/img] Blood Type: O- Immune: Fairly safe to say she is considering her exposure rate. Gear: Marni has her standard issue military duffle bag with all the things that ought to be in there. Three changes of NWU’s (navy camos, with white crew neck undershirts, thick tall socks and cover (hat) ) along with her standard issue pea coat and her medic kit. She has a few MRE's left since they taste…Not that great. Oh and her Beretta M9 (Big hand gun). She has her basic tool kit, her fire starting kit, a length of rope and various pocket knives. And a compact mirror… What?! A girl has to be able to keep herself tidy… Bio: Being an only child in a very tight budget household Marni was typically buying her clothes at second hand stores, or saving her allowances up for special sales at the outlet malls. She always wanted to be glamorous and beautiful, and she knew there was no way that would happen with her parents strict budgeting. She loved her folks, but they were so happy just going out for hikes in the mountains near their home in Denver, or being one with nature. Sure she learned how to build a fire, make a smores toasting stick and fish and hunt and camp. But who wants to pee in the woods with the bears!? As soon as she turned 18 Marni joined the Navy and was trained as a corpsman. The income was much better than anything else she might have hoped for with no degree and her job came with a workout plan that would keep her looking fine. After two tours and patching up men who probably would never survive Marni did not sign another contract and instead took her talents to the glamorous world of banking. Alright. It wasn’t as glamorous as Marni had hoped, but she did get to wear makeup every day, and high heels and tight skirts. Picking out the perfect outfit was always an art for Marni. The shoes had to match the earrings and the purse, but not so much that it was tacky or too matchy matchy. Perfecting this art sometimes made her run late to work… Searching for the mate to her Adorable Buckle tan heel with the peach colored bow and liner was certainly making her run late today. Where was the thing!? The heel peeped out from under her duffle bag and Marni lunged for it, prying it out with a victorious cry. Really! Under the duffle! How had that happened? Really she needed to get rid of the ugly thing, taking up valuable closet space that could be used to home something much more important, like those thigh high leather boots she had been eyeing… Tugging the shoe on Marni gave the duffle another look before heading out the door. She was around 30 minutes late as it was. Speeding to work she listened to her ipod on shuffle rather than the news, which had been rather boring of late anyway. Parking in the back Marni was surprised to see she wasn’t the only one hustling in through the back door. Her friend Tara was meandering towards the bank as well. “Hey girl!” Marni called as she closed her car door with a bang! Tara turned slowly to look at her. Marni slung her purse over her shoulder and clicked up the sidewalk to the waiting Tara and the back door. “Can’t believe you’re running late too! Maybe Mark won’t get so mad if we’re both …” Marni had finally looked up from putting her car keys away to see Tara’s face. She didn’t look too good, sweating and pale. “Woah…Are you alright?” Marni asked. Tara nodded. “I think I might have the flu to be honest, but if I miss more work I’ll get written up. Shouldn’t have gotten that boob job last Christmas, it really ate into my sick days.” Marni nodded sympathetically. “But your girls are so perky now! Totally worth it!” Patting her friend on the back they made their way inside. Luckily Mark was nowhere to be seen so Marni and Tara were able to hustle into their own offices and no one would be any the wiser to their tardiness. An epic bidding war on a Prada purse had Marni running late for her lunch break as well and she looked up surprised to see what time it was. Normally Tara would have come to haul her off to some soup and salad joint. Maybe she had bit the bullet and gone home sick? Shuffling into Tara’s office Marni knocked once before entering without waiting for permission. “Hey girl you still he—“ Marni cut herself off when she saw Tara, who was …Not herself. She was staring and panting and groaning, her makeup had been sweated off and really…She was drooling. “Tara?” Marni asked. Had she had a stroke? That was the last coherent thought Marni had about her friend before Tara was rushing her, grabbing her arm and yanking her further into the office. “Tara! Ouch! What is wrong with you?” Tara groaned and Marni watched in horror as her friend bared her teeth and opened her mouth, leaning towards Marni’s arm. Instinct kicked in and Marni ripped her arm away from Tara, punching the bitch in the face with her free hand. Tara’s head snapped back and she stumbled, clumsy. Marni grabbed the door handle and slammed Tara’s office door shut, holding the knob tightly and looking around in confusion. Tara seemed to have had some sort of break down, snapped and gone cannibal. She needed someone to call the police, a doctor. Somebody. Only… Tara was throwing herself at the office door, and the loud shrieks she was making and the thumps was drawing attention. As vague expressions and other ill looking coworkers peered out (like how Tara had looked only hours ago. Under the weather, not deranged) Marni realized they were all sick. None were quite to Tara’s level yet but… Marni had her purse already, her keys. All she had to do was get to her car and drive home. The image of that duffle bag she had been planning on getting rid of appeared in her mind. She needed to get out. Instincts said she had to flee. So she did, bolting for the exit and not looking back as Tara broke through her office door to get at her best friend. Marni changed out of her tight skirt and adorable tan heels and into her combat boots , blue jeans, and a polo. Time for a road trip. Time to head back to Denver and figure out what was going on. Marni never made it to Denver. Her car ran out of gas before she ever crossed the county line. It didn’t matter, she’d just keep trekking west with her duffle bag and her berretta. Personality: Marni can be chatty, amusing, and likable. She is a social creature and loves compliments and shiny things. But there is a part of her that is very selfish in the need to stay alive. While she wants to look smashing, she doesn’t want her head smashed in. She can make friends fairly easily but isn’t the type to stay behind and fight honorably with her comrades. She’ll doctor up an injured ‘friend’ but the first sign of illness and she’ll flee. Self-preservation is high on Marni’s list.