Outsiders weren't to be trusted, especially outsiders who show up at convenient times. There was something about Sky that Kaden didn't quite like. But, she surprised him when she backed off. He wasn't ready to talk with Krista and Cass especially with her around. This was a personal conversation amongst friends, and what he was about to say would sound insane. He watched her on her way out. Sense of hearing picking up her footsteps on the way out, more specific than usual. It took a moment for Kaden to register that Krista was speaking to him. His focus was more intense, everything about it. "Oh, sorry. Uh…" Kaden thought on it before taking a knee by the table. He spoke in a soft whisper. "I don't think a vet can tell us what happened last night. This is strange, all strange. It didn't look rabid. Why did it attack every single one of us without missing ANY of us. And we're all alive." He stopped to gather himself. "Do either of you… hear better? Or maybe see? Smell, or feel stronger?"