[center] •Appearance: Devin has a wide set face to compliment his widely set body. He possesses a muscular body. His armspan is about 2 inches longer than his height, clearly noticeable to anyone who takes the time to observe his figure. He has an average nose but placed on a body as big as his, it appears small. He possesses thin ears, that fold back further than normal. Most people assume he is 17 or 18 but he is actually 16. •Eyes: Brown • Hair: Brown • Height: 6,1 • Weight: 230 Name: Devin Matusmane Nickname: Big Beef (This is what he was called at his old school, he hates it.) Age: 16 Gender: Male Sexuality: Homosexual Personality: Devin is aggressive and quick to the point. He prefers to settle conflicts with fights. When he isn't fighting a boy, he's admiring them. He admires the strong and looks down on the weak. But he believes he must be the strongest. 「✓」 • Gym • Violin • Fights • Dating • Music 「✖」 • School • Cocky people • Groups of people • Sports • Most girls Biography: Devin wasn't always the man you see here. Devin grew up normally enough. He has unusually strict parents who weren't always around. While they couldn't spend as much time with him as other parents, they made it up through strict rules and focused training. Both of his parents love the violin. They bought one for Devin when he was 6 and taught him how to play. They ensured he played his violin every day. Devin grew to love the instrument. He performed many recitals. When he was 12 he discovered his sexuality through observing a fellow violinist during practice. He grappled with his feelings as his libido grew. In school he began to look over more and more boys. This did not go unnoticed and other boys began to grow more hostile towards him. He began to be bullied for his behavior. One day while walking home, he was being harassed by a group of boys. Finally, he snapped, striking another student with his violin. This knocked the other boy unconscious. The rest of the boys beat him senseless and broke his violin. Devin staggered home, locked himself in his room, and vowed to never lose a fight again. He spent the rest of his adolescence vigorously training himself. After gawking at many boys (and defeating them in fights many times too.) Devin had built himself a reputation as the king of the school. His parents had grown increasingly apart from him during these years. His mom finally noticed his injuries when he came home from a fight. Through the word of the friend, she enrolled him in Fae High School. Habits: Devin can often be caught staring at other boys. Fears: Having no control of himself. Complete Isolation Other: Feedback is greatly appreciated. [/center]