[u][i][b]Charles, Jon, and whoever else followed Zesiro…[/b][/i][/u] Zesiro’s mouth was still agape. “Uh… Sure.” He passed the phaser to Jon without any fuss. He was not a combat specialist, nor would he have felt very good about leaving anyone unarmed against… [i]that thing… [/i] Even if Jon wound up turning against him, Zesiro was pretty sure he had a better chance against Jon than the... Dragon... [u][i][b]Herbert, Will, Ryann, Dimitri[/b][/i][/u] Dzel looked toward Dimitri. She nodded, this seemed to be a wise plan. She crossed to the entrance of the tunnel they had just come from, she touched the ‘trigger’ of the weapon just as William had shown her. She pointed it toward the dragon, the stance was incorrect, but, might do the trick. “Go then, quickly, before it sees us. I will follow.” If the group did decide to go into the castle and tunnels below, she would make sure she was the last one through.