So this says it's open, that accurate? If so, hehe, well I've been looking for a fun, at least medium-paced RP with interesting people for awhile. Oh yeah...and stability. This seems to have most of those things, and it's in a 'verse I'm familiar with too! I glanced somewhat at characters, but I didn't really feel terribly inclined to read [i]all[/i] of them, not because it wouldn't be enjoyable, but because of the sheer amount of 'em :P As such my curiosity leads me to wonder the following: [i]"What kind of people are common in the RP so far?" "What magics are taken?" "Are there any magics that are strictly off limits?"[/i] So yeah, I suppose those are my questions if the "OPEN OPEN" part of the title and the join status of "APPLY" are to be trusted *shifty eyes* Anywho. Hello everyone! I think I've seen [i]a few[/i] of you before, though I could be wrong, but yeah. What's up? Where's the story headed? How do you make your favorite homemade dish? [i][sub]I'll stop rambling now and actually post this P.S. Hi [@J8cob]![/sub][/i]