[quote=@yoshua171] So this says it's open, that accurate? If so, hehe, well I've been looking for a fun, at least medium-paced RP with interesting people for awhile. Oh yeah...and stability. This seems to have most of those things, and it's in a 'verse I'm familiar with too! I glanced somewhat at characters, but I didn't really feel terribly inclined to read [i]all[/i] of them, not because it wouldn't be enjoyable, but because of the sheer amount of 'em :P As such my curiosity leads me to wonder the following: [i]"What kind of people are common in the RP so far?" "What magics are taken?" "Are there any magics that are strictly off limits?"[/i] So yeah, I suppose those are my questions if the "OPEN OPEN" part of the title and the join status of "APPLY" are to be trusted *shifty eyes* Anywho. Hello everyone! I think I've seen [i]a few[/i] of you before, though I could be wrong, but yeah. What's up? Where's the story headed? How do you make your favorite homemade dish? [i][sub]I'll stop rambling now and actually post this P.S. Hi [@J8cob]![/sub][/i] [/quote] Greetings, new friend! If you make a sheet and the GMs approve it, you're as good as in! Let's see if I can't answer your questions... We've got a lot of slayers and a lot of sword-users. There are more young people than middle-aged or old. Basically, name any Slayer, be it Dragon, God, Devil, Phoenix, what have you, it's taken. All of the more mundane Make magics are too, and basic elemental ones. There's a big amount of Requip, mostly for weapons, and a fair amount of summoners. Doesn't seem to be that way. I haven't seen any turn-downs for anything but new Slayers recently, even Lost magic is more or less okay. [quote=@Raijinslayer] [@Lugubrious]Uh, can you send me a link to Cecilia's CS so I can know what she looks like? I tried to find it myself, but to no avail. [/quote] All Frenzy Plant NPCs can be found here: [url]http://phoenixwing.weebly.com/frenzy-plant.html[/url] Cecilia's is at the very bottom.