[quote=@yoshua171] Lost magic you say? I actually have a character named Aevus who uses a lost magic. He's an A rank mage and I'd probably have to vastly expand his history as the RP I had him in initially had his backstory hidden and only told to 2-4 others who knew him before he joined the Guild haha. I am...wary in posting him though as he uses [u][i][url=http://fairytail.wikia.com/wiki/Arc_of_Time]"Arc of Time,"[/url][/i][/u] which I know can be abused if not regulated as with [i]anything[/i] that manipulates time, space, or other such fundamental forces. If at least given a chance to balance it I assure you I would include reasonable weaknesses/limitations in the magic description and find other ways I could balance it :) However, if it is just straight up taken or banned, that's fine as well and I can surely come up with something else/use a different character ^_^ No worries~ [/quote] I would assume you'd be good for Arc of Time if the GM herself didn't already have a time-based character. I'd link you the sheet, but I have yet to find it. I could probably help you find unique and/or fun stuff if you'd like to work with me. You have, of course, seen the magics on the fairy tail fanon wiki? It's like the collective originality of a whole bunch of people.