[hr][h1][i]Heartbreaker[/i][/h1][hr] While they were doing this [i]boring[/i] presentation, Heartbreaker was doing some important work! Playing Fallout Shelter on her phone. Because she sure as hell wasn't going to join these losers in their torture porn session. She had better things to do! Like become the best at playing this stupid.... Her cellphone beeped with a handgun sound effect, and she rolled her eyes as she paused the game to go check it. Usually, that sound effect meant she got a text. Better not be a booty call from that Vampire.... [u]Time to kick the plan into motion.[/u] Oooooooh gee! Heartbreaker was practically shaking in delight! That means Khan and her Fiendish buds have practically walked into the trap! Good, it's been a long time coming. Those druggies should have been killed ages ago! Heartbreaker should have been the one to do, but no, they insisted they do it this way. Eh, long as she gets to kill somebody. Heartbreaker, with that stupid grin on her face, stood straight up, and announced "Have fun jerking off to your science, boys. I got a mission!" Everyone reacted with apathy, and continued watching licensed Hands of Science torture porn, while Heartbreaker walked out the room. She stepped down the hallway, and passed Nemesis as he was carrying two people - a blonde girl and boy, probably siblings - over his shoulders, and Heartbreaker passed him as if this was something she sees on a regular. Because it probably is! Heartbreaker stepped by the room where those brats were being held, she stopped for a few moments, looked. [i]Thought I heard something.[/i] Heartbreaker thought to herself. She stared at the door for a few moments, before just shrugging and walking off whistling. Twirling her revolvers. Heartbreaker stepped into one room, a small closet. A very small room with nothing but a table... but that table had a military-grade weapon's case. With a smile on her face, Heartbreaker lifted up the latches, and pulled out her trusty rifle. Nothing fancy, she didn't need to [i]overcompensate[/i], simply a Les Baer Tactical Bolt Action Rifle. She grinned, as she put the strap over her back. Plan was simple; go in there, kill Khan, get the fuck out, and then NEST looks like heroes! Or something stupid like that, Heartbreaker didn't care about the details, but she had herself an edge. You see, there was some stupid-ass vigilance that NEST has been keeping tabs on named Martin. Some nobody like him would work well on their side... until he found out every crime against humanity their sociopathic scientist gladly commit. Oh well. Like everyone in this god damn city, he'd be a great tool. Heartbreaker pulled out her phone, and sent him a text: [u]Don't ask who this is, I'm going to be brief, there is a chance for you to take out Khan. She is attacking the NEST Headquarters now with her group of Fiends. It's possible for you to head through the sewers, I'll send you the map.[/u] Aaaaaaaand sent. Heard this guy was a real gullible type! Anyone with a brain would think this is a trap - but no, it's the real deal. The way Heartbreaker sees it: if he kills Khan, then mission accomplished, if he dies, then oh well. He would have at least made a good distraction. No real loss. Now, all she has to do is get to the NEST Base. Heartbreaker ran out of the Hands of Science base, into the sewers.