Gippal glanced at Braska as he stomped his foot and only smiled more. Even at the challenge Braska offered. Perhaps, but he said nothing in accepting or not. [hr] As he looked up to the temple his eyes widened. Oh wait... He looked at Eva as she started to Hyperventilate. She grabbed onto him and he wrapped his arms around her. As she started to say why here that she didn't want to be here, She placed her face into his shoulder and neck, getting as close as she could, sobbing into his jacket. With one arm around her waist and his other hand resting on the back of her head he shushed her gently, "'s ok, you are fine I'm here." Holding her tightly to him. Last time they were here she didn't utter a word the whole time, only opening up when they left. They never even reached the temple. He wondered why it was so hard on her...She had to be connected with this place but the last time they were hear no one knew of her. Saina walked up to them and spoke to Eva directly, Saying that they needed to get to the temple but they would wait till she was ready to plan. But before he could explain she would stay like this the entire time, Saina made a distinctive step and motioned with her fingers. A circle appeared above them and snow started to fall, instantly he felt the coolness of the snow, lowering the temperature it felt like 20 degrees. If felt great. He let out a sigh. "Thank you Saina... I'm sure that is going to help. She acted like this the last time we were in Kilika. Didn't speak a word to us the entire time. It was like she was living a nightmare the entire time. And it wasn't just the temple she Didn't want to step foot on the docks even." It was then Alex came over and tried to comfort Eva in her way. It was always like this, when ever someone started to cry she started to get all awkward and try to cheer the person up by....saying the weirdest things Acting like Eva was a small child. He simply stared at her in disbelief. As she wrapped her arms around them and squeezed them. Then to finish it off she smacked herself in the face. Pretty hard as well. After a moment's of silence and a look of slight horror on his face, she said she was off to get some rooms. And bolted before anything could be said. The entire time Eva continued to cry, but thanks to Saina's snow he did feel her forehead and she had cooled off a bit. "please...I don't want to be in Kilika..." He looked down at her. "Not again...Not here." she said. Urick had been looking at Nai as she saw Gippal holding Eva. She made a sour face and looked away, as if fighting internal battles. He had placed a hand on her shoulder. But it seemed to go unnoticed. He also glanced at Braska who was looking at Gippal, Eva and Nai in confusion and did he see a slight spark of Anger in his eyes? Braska and Gippal always had a competition growing up. Normally it was friendly and they would joke about it. But sometimes...sometimes he could tell it was deeper. This confirmed again when they were walking to the temple in the jungle, Gippal had managed to get Braska irritated again. He looked at Nai as she started to talk to Braska. A clear try at ignoring Gippal and Eva. Asking him why he wasn't in the game. He simply stated that a Guado placed a sleep spell on him. As he would look at Braska he would nod at him, his way of saying it was good to see him, he didn't have a chance really on the beach. He sighed as he turned back to Nai. He knew that there was feelings between her and Gippal from long ago. And he too noticed feelings between Gippal and Eva. One of these girls hearts will be broken...the thing was which one? It seemed a little childish for her to be jealous at the moment though...Eva wasn't doing this on purpose. Perhaps when they Got to Luca Nai would see How much he cared for well as Alex and Even Braska despite their competition. That he and himself hadn't forgotten them. That they were all their close friends still and that would never change. He looked to the Temple. Remembering that they never entered the last time they were here. It was their plan in the first place to come here to find answers. But then words popped into his head.[b][i] [color=7B68EE]"The aura of the temples I have visited I find... are enough to center me. I enjoy it." [/color][/i][/b] He stood. Looking at the temple, it made sense. It was where he would get his center back as well. But he then remembered stories of how Lady Yuna would visit the temples and relax during the years of the Eternal calm. "Gippal..." He said not looking at him, but still looking at the temple. As he noticed out of the corner of his eye Gippal looking at him he pointed his chin to the temple and finally looked at him. His eyes connecting with him. Gippal after a moment squinted up at the temple and got what Urick was thinking. He then said, "Come on, lets go to the temple..." He picked up Eva in his arms and began to walk. Urick pushed Nai over to Braska and said, "I'll..go check.... Alex." he said softly to both Nai and Braska, motioning the chair to Braska to push. Once he took a hold of it he turned to Go after her, but Seeing Saina. Blushing, he looked down. "Temples..." He cleared his throat. "Center our..." Pausing as he started to sweat, "Minds...and souls..." He said, wanting to convey he had thought of her words the second time she spoke to him. His ears turned bright red as his temperature rose what seemed like fifty degrees. Feeling embarrassed he walked away trying to save some composure. But when he was out of site he shook it off and while still feeling embarrassed, he started to run after Alex. Once Gippal made it to the door he pushed it open with his hip, and walked in. Eva had squished her face even more into his shoulder and neck, but once they made it to the center of the room she relaxed somewhat as she heard the hymn of the fayth. So much so that Gippal looked to see if she had somehow instantaneously fallen asleep. But she was awake, her eyes opening just slightly. It was as if she was seeing...or remembering something other than a nightmare. Priests came up to them and asked, "Can we help you?" As he looked at the dirty Rag tag group before him. He took noticed of Eva right away. "Is she alright?" As he moved closer to look at her. Gippal shrugged, "It seems so, she is just extremely frightened. We came here for her to rest and to center herself. You see... She is a Summoner. My Cousin... thought it would be best if she be here to collect herself." The Priests looked at her with Awe. "Come, use one of our may all rest for a while." They noticed Sefin, "Also if you wish we can help you with your arm if you wish." [hr] Urick had caught up to Alex at the inn and stopped just next to her touching her arm to get her attention. He looked her in the eyes. As he fiddled with his fingers behind his back. clearing his throat."" He said, His blush returning. Oh for the love of Yevon why was it so difficult to speak to a woman?!? But he had to spend some time with Alex, he didn't really have a chance with everything going on.