[hider=Paul Braddock] [centre] [b]Appearance:[/b] [img]http://sarcasticcharm.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/09/charlie-hunnam-24.jpg[/img] [b]Name:[/b] Paul Braddock [b]Age:[/b] 33 [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Occupation:[/b] None. He's a convict. [b]Skills[/b] Paul is a very good car mechanic and driver. He always liked cars so learning how to drive them and work at them was a real blast for him. He's good with firearms as he learned how to use them since his teenage years. Paul is a good brawler. He dosen't know any fighting style, but when it come to brawling and fighting dirty there's nobody like him. But probably one of his most used and noticed skills is stealing without beying noticed. Afterall he wasn't convicted for nothing you know. Beying part of a group of thieves required this as your main skill, regardless of your role in the team. Paul was also told that he has an unusually good sense of smell, but he never really payed much attention to that. [b]Flaws[/b] Paul has a bad neck. He suffered a car accident some time ago and he almost broke his neck in the process. Doctors managed to save his life but they also inserted a metal plate in his neck to support it. Now Paul can't move his head without moving his body too, at least not too much anyway. Aside from that he's a pretty healthy guy. He never really had issues with diseases or allergies. [b]Firearm proficiency:[/b] 3.5 - Paul is good with handguns and revolvers but when it comes to bigger guns he is only good with shotguns, bolt-action rifles and lever-action rifles, with and without scope. [b]Weapons:[/b] - [url=http://i18.servimg.com/u/f18/11/68/70/61/cold_s10.jpg]Kukri Knife;[/url] [b]Equipment:[/b] A 2 quarts water canteen w/ shoulder strap. A backpack w/ a flashlight and some spare CR123 batteries for it, not many, just 4 batteries. In the backpack he also has a can opener, some cans of food together, 2 packs of biscuits and some spare clothes consisting of a grey t-shirt and a pair of jeans. He also has two packs of cigarettes and a zippo lighter. [b]Apparel:[/b] - Blue flannel shirt; - White t-shirt; - Blue jeans; - Black boots. [b]Personality:[/b] Paul is a rebellious and independent man with little to no respect for authority and that likes doing things his own way. That was one of the reasons he never really integrated anywhere. He cares very little about people in general and always had problems following the rules of others, society included. He is prone to violence and can get upset quite easily. He has a sadistic nature that he usually displays when he gets violent. However all these things don't mean he is a completely heartless bastard. He always had a soft spot for women and people struggling to survive the blows that life kept giving them, which is probably why he wasn't thrown out of Haven yet. He is also extremely loyal to those he considers friends and is more then willing to sand up for them even if that might put his life in danger. [b]Backstory:[/b] As a child, Paul was a juvenile delinquent, often getting in trouble at school and in other places. He even got suspended once in high school after beating a teacher for giving him a bad grade at a test. His parents did his best to educate him but everything they tried was in vain. After high school Paul concentrated on finding work but nobody wanted to hire someone with a bad reputation like his. After about eight months of searching someone hired him as a courier but Paul got tired of it fast and after just five months he quit. Not long after that, about a week later, he got a call from one of his comrades from high school who told him that his dad has a car shop and that he's looking for a mechanic, experience wasn't necessary. The next day Paul payed a visit to his friend's father at the car shop he owned. After the two discussed for a while, Paul was hired as a mechanic and did a much better job there as he liked cars a lot and working with them. Six years later Paul was arrested and convicted for assault after he defended a woman who was about to be raped. The woman eventually became his girlfriend and she visited him many times in prison. After his release Paul's life got from bad to worse. He couldn't find work anywhere and people were treating him like some reject because of the time spent in prison. Finding himself in desperate need of money Paul agreed to work with a group of thieves that were commiting various robberies throughout the city. Their boss was the owner of a bar. Although the team had a leader, he was the one that was actually running things. Paul's role in the team was that of getaway driver, due to his good driving skills. Paul continued this lifestyle for the next six years up until one day when...for unknown reasons...their boss decided to disband the team, but he did more then that. He sold them out to the cops, telling them the exact location and time of a robbery that he just sent them in. Paul and the others were caught in the act by the police. Two were killed as they didn't want to get arrested and fought back, one was arrested and one managed to escape somehow and was never found. Paul attempted to escape too as he stepped on the gas pedal and ran with his car after seeing the cops coming to get him. After a mad chase through the city that lasted over an hour and a half, Paul reached a dead end and with the cops behind him he had no choice but to give up. Because of the multiple robberies he took part in throughout the years Paul was convicted to prison for life. Fortunately for him, in the same transport as him was also a cuban drug lord that was also convicted and sent to the same prison as him. As the transport was halfway to the prison, the drug lord's men attacked it in order to free their boss. Paul took advantage of the chaos to escape and make himself unseen. Not long after that all hell broke loose and Paul found himself fighting for his survival as people slowly started to turn into zombies. One day while he was scavenging in an abandoned small town, Paul stumbled upon a scene that contained Michelle, a 24 year old young girl, and three zombies that were about to get her. As she was cornered and screaming for help, Paul couldn't resist and killed all the three zombies. Although he wanted to leave, the girl kept following him and sticking with him, despite Paul repeatedly telling her to leave him alone. He eventually gave up and the two decided that it was better to stick together. They eventually reached Haven and as they were allowed inside somebody recognized him from TV and told everyone that Paul was convicted to life in prison for multiple robberies and that he previously spent a year in prison for assault. At that time some people wanted Paul to be kicked out of Haven because of that but after a vote the majority decided for him to stay but he was stripped of all his firearms and the ammo he had for them and wasn't allowed anywhere near the armory, where everybody's firearms were stashed. At first he wasn't allowed with anything but two weeks later he was given back his kukri knife as a reward for saving the life of somebody that went off hunting and took him as a partner. But despite that, life in Haven didn't improve at all for him. He's still beying watched 24 hours and nobody really trusts him with anything. Paul often commenting that his place feels like prison to him. [b]Other:[/b] - He is a homophobe and is quite hateful towards gays, lesbians, transgenders and other "freaks of nature" as he oftenly calls them. - He loves rock and metal music and had quite an impressive music collection back home with various artist from both genres. - He has a couple of tattoos on various parts of his body. There's too many of them to mention them all. [/centre] [/hider] [hider=Michelle Bennett] [centre] [b]Appearance:[/b] [img]https://lh6.googleusercontent.com/-ybc7cGlwWfg/VMw9cUCMGNI/AAAAAAAAn9g/ovTxpRsTgFc/w800-h800/tumblr_niwoxqef5K1rq03t7o2_1280.jpg[/img] [b]Name:[/b] Michelle Bennett [b]Age:[/b] 24 [b]Gender:[/b] Female [b]Occupation:[/b] Shop clerk [b]Skills[/b] - Drawing; - Dancing; - Aside from her native english she also speaks spanish and portughese very well and a little french too, only basic stuff; - Knife fighting, courtesy of Paul who taught her a thing or two about using knives in combat because he wanted her to know how to defend herself at least a little. [b]Flaws[/b] She seems to be allergic to cats, something that always bothered her because she actually likes cats. She is also pretty weak, she gets scared easily and is kind of unable to defend herself, relying almost completely on Paul for that. Sure, Paul partially resolved that problem by teaching her how to use a knife but old habits die hard. [b]Firearm proficiency:[/b] 2 - Michelle did some target practice at the range, with some handguns borrowed from her uncle, when she was a teenager but she didn't really get into this whole firearms thing. [b]Weapons:[/b] - [url=http://www.dao186666.com/uploadpic/image/20140627/20140627154969056905.jpg]Leather handled bowie knife w/ brown leather sheath.[/url] [b]Equipment:[/b] Michelle dosen't have much gear as she and Paul often share the food, the water, the lantern and other stuff, however she does have a bag with a notebook and some pencils for when she feels like drawing, a small water canteen which she hasn't used since encountered Paul, some spare clothes(white tank top, blue jeans and black t-shirt) and a heart-shaped locket necklace with her parent's pictures inside it. [b]Apparel:[/b] Basically everything the appearance picture shows. Grey jeans, white long sleeved blouse, brown leather jacket and brown boots. [b]Personality:[/b] Before all hell broke loose Michelle used to be quite a vain and selfish person that rarely payed any attention to others, caring only about herself most of the time. She was also very stubborn and ambitious, willing to do whatever it takes to have her way. The zombie apocalypse and her near death experience, before Paul saving her life, made her very humble, quiet and a little more caring towards the needs of others. Although she learned a thing or two from Paul she is still pretty defenseless and easily scared. Paul is concerned that if the two would ever break apart, she would not survive on her own. [b]Backstory:[/b] Born in a middle class family Michelle was the only girl in a family with 3 children, the others beying boys. She was often spoiled by her mother and her father believed that this was the reason for the selfish, vain and ambvitious attitude that she developed later on. Actually Michelle's attitude was often the subject of arguments between her parents. She went to high school and college and got herself a bachelor's degree in arts. Ever since a little girl she was very talented at drawing with her room full of various drawings on paper that she made herself. She didn't really had any ultimate goal in life, peffering to make plans as she moved along. After college she found work as a clerk in a cosmetics shop, where she did a pretty good job often being praised by the manager. When people started turning into zombies and panic installed everywhere the first thing she did was run home. When she got there she whitnessed her zombified mother kill her father, who with his last breath screamed at her to run. Michelle ran to her room where she locked herself in and stood there until the next day. When things calmed down she got out with a bag in her hand and started putting in what she thought was useful. Once she was finished she left the house, hoping she would find some place safer as the neibourghood was too infested with zombies. A couple of weeks after that she was ambushed by three zombies while she was scavenging in a small deserted town. As the zombies cornered her she started screaming for help but she was sure no one would show up. Exactly when she was seconds away from dying, Paul showed up out of nowhere, killing the zombies. As she ran to him, hugged him tight and started thanking him. Paul responded saying that it's no problem and turned around as he left the town before more zombies could show up, attracted by the noise from his revolver. Michelle followed him and wanted to stick with him but Paul kept rejecting her, telling her to leave him alone. Eventually, seeing that Michelle just dosen't want to let him be, Paul gave up and the two became travel partners. In the following weeks the two kept moving finding some occasional shelter to rest. Michelle also learned from Paul how to use knives in combat. She also recieved from Paul a nice leather handled bowie that he found on a dead guy. The two eventually reached Haven and settled in. When Paul was discovered as being a convict and the posibility of him beying thrown out appeared, Michelle was the only one that stood by his side and said that even if he would be kicked out she would still accompany him. But he wasn't kicked out as a majority of people in Haven voted for him to stay and the two stay in the same house together. [b]Other:[/b] - She secretly loves Paul but she dosen't have the courage to tell him as she is afraid he might reject her because of the pretty big age difference. [/centre] [/hider]