Link just sighed looking at the fairy a moment before he saw Zelda approaching, she looked a bit puzzled by the fact someone was with Link. Jumping down from his seat on the cart he walked over to stand between the disguised princess and the fairy. "Ciela, this is Ilia she's a friend of mine, she works in the castle. She's coming with me to town... Were going to enjoy the festival a bit, the bridge is already up so were not getting out of the town tonight." He said looking back towards the town he sighed. "Still it will be hard to enjoy the festival with all this looming over my head." The young boy turned back to the woman Ilia as he called her. "I'll help you on to the wagon, it's awfully nice of you to volunteer to come with me." He told her in a soft tone rather than the respectful one he had used before. He would treat her as an equal, people couldn't know she was the princess. Offering her his hand to help her up on to the cart he smiled. "Ilia, this is Ciela she's a fairy of wisdom I thought it might be nice to have her along with us, she mentioned she even met a past me." He told her as he climbed on to the cart. "So if were all set I guess all that's left to do is find an inn, enjoy what little time we have and prepare for the journey ahead." He told them, then grinned in an innocent way he didn't seem to mind being the hero, just as if it was another chore. Like how he had to clean the stables or heard goats and cows back home, he didn't seem in awe by it or reluctant like others. He just did, yet at this moment the voices of past heroes called to him, he would need more than just skills of the past Links. He would need their memories and personal abilities, he would need to become them if they were to succeed. He was the Hero to carry the minds of all of heroes.