[hider=First Character] [center] [u][b]Username:[/b][/u] PaulHaynek [u][b]Appearance:[/b][/u] [img]http://vignette2.wikia.nocookie.net/valkyriecrusade/images/5/54/Rose_Knight.png/revision/latest?cb=20141206181655[/img] (Let me know if this look is too extravagant) [u][b]Name:[/b][/u] Iroha [u][b]Age:[/b][/u] 21 [u][b]Gender:[/b][/u] Female [u][b]Class:[/b][/u] Mercenary [u][b]Rank:[/b][/u] Member [u][b]House:[/b][/u] Tosen [u][b]Weapons:[/b][/u] Steel Sword, Concoction [u][b]Personality:[/b][/u] Iroha is an outgoing and energetic person but still preserves elegance in her actions. She is also a heavy pursuer of justice and will not hesitate to jump into trouble if innocence was at stake. She believes everyone she meets is good at heart and will always do the right thing when it matters until proven otherwise, a naivety that inevitably got her into trouble but nothing she could not handle with a little hunt and search and destroy. However, this bubbly personality disappears when topics about her childhood are brought up. She will either ask for the conversation to change or quietly leave. This little trait seems to be connected to an individual named 'Jester', of whom she is quite afraid of but will fearlessly face in battle. [u][b]Short Biography:[/b][/u] In all honesty, Iroha never knew where she came from nor who were parents were. All she could remember is that she was a child rummaging through garbage to eat at least one meal a day. When fellow abandoned began to compete for the scraps of society, Iroha learned to swordfight just so she could eat. The fact that many starved and died just so she could live is a weight on Iroha's mind. Iroha felt very guilty in clawing for survival at the expense of people and so she devoted herself into making the continent of Ostaria a better place by honing her swordsmanship and dealing with bandits and vagabonds, living off the rewards the people give her for her efforts. In time, she amassed enough wealth to buy her a decent set of light armor to help her in her quest. Iroha's heroic crusade would then continued across Ostaria until she reached Sariwon. Seeing the monster problem, Iroha did not even think about joining the fight against the beasts and immediately offered her services to the nearest House who would point her at the right direction. [u][b]Other:[/b][/u] Appearance is of [i]Rose Knight[/i] of [i]Valkyrie Crusade[/i] [/center] [/hider] [hider=Second Character] [center] [u][b]Username:[/b][/u] PaulHaynek [u][b]Appearance:[/b][/u] [img]http://img3.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20150617213711/villains/images/2/2b/Johan.jpg[/img] [u][b]Name:[/b][/u] "Jester" [u][b]Age:[/b][/u] ? [u][b]Gender:[/b][/u] Male [u][b]Class:[/b][/u] Soldier [u][b]Rank:[/b][/u] Member [u][b]House:[/b][/u] Aseryo [u][b]Weapons:[/b][/u] Silver Lance, Elixir [u][b]Personality:[/b][/u] Jester has a psychopathic, obsessive personality revolving around Iroha and her suffering. Jester does not care about any other people or creature, only seeing them as potential tools in hurting Iroha. His mannerisms vary across people, all of which tailored to whatever those people prefer so he could lead them to hate and cause Iroha pain. Hurting Iroha is literally Jester's entire world and he would not care if it burns if it meant causing Iroha incredible suffering. [u][b]Short Biography:[/b][/u] Jester could barely remember what his life was before he saw a certain, golden-haired girl. A burning, clawing desire sparked within him when he saw that child living happily with her family. A desire which soon consumed his mind. Every waking moment was about the girl and so was his every dream. The obsession soon took new heights when Jester killed his own parents to take what they have and acquire the means to satiate his obsession. With some torches and a sword, Jester invaded the young girl's home and slaughtered her family and set fire to the house. The horrified look on the girl's face gave him the most greatest pleasure in his life. As the girl fled for her life, Jester was still savoring the look of horror when the house burned to the ground. He survived but he was terribly hurt, something he did not mind as he had discovered his life goal. Time passed by as Jester tirelessly pursued the girl who had grown up. However, opportunities were limited and came too quick but arriving in Sariwon, perhaps he could finally deliver a whammy on Iroha. [u][b]Other:[/b][/u] "[i]You... complete me.[/i]" Appearance is of [i]Johan[/i] of [i]Monster[/i] [/center] [/hider]