Sky smiled weakly and nodded when Krista mentioned her dog. She recognized the name and nodded, but still receiving untrusting look from the boy.....Kade....she remembered his name was, she spoke quickly, "Umm....yah. Gatsby's always a good of my favorites." She made sure she had her food and nodded one last time, "I'll be.....there until late every day....thanks again for the talk..." Then, without another word Sky left the cafe. Walking out the door she released her tense shoulders, and breathing out she groaned softly. This was one of the reasons she didnt hang out with other humans.......she would always be an outsider. Grimacing, the girl moved over to her truck, then climbing in she got ready to shut the door. But, while doing so, her cup of coffee slipped from her hand and spilled over her lap. The resulting sting from the hot liquid caused her to cry out and jump in her seat before reaching foreword and rubbing her thighs frantically. It stained her jeans, to which after the pain subsided Sky groaned loudly. She should have just stayed back at the clinic.....where the animals appreciated her and...... Realizing her thoughts were ranting, Sky took a breath and turned the key on her truck. It revved to life and she closed her eyes for a moment.......she liked the chat with the other kids, she couldnt deny made her feel like she was wanted.....atleast for a fleeting moment. She didnt really expect Krista to visit her... Shaking her head Sky sighed heavily, "Friends are overated....." then drove off for the clinic.