Alex hummed as she went to the inn, glancing over her shoulder to look at the others before narrowing her eyes at Naisha. It had felt like the Mage had mostly, ignored the tall woman. Most likely unintentionally but still. Catching the glimpse of the look she gave Gippal and Eva, it irritated Alex even more. Yet it was more depressing then irritation. When it wasn't someone within the group of friends romancing, it was easier to be just mad and handle it. Yet when it was, it was just depressing. Especially when it was Naisha. Out of all of them why her? The Mage had a one tracked mind and started being oblivious to other things that wasn't her focus. The Mage's loss, Alex believed, would be the most devastating when it happened. She knew it would happen, but she wasn't willing to exactly let it go so easily. For now, she went into the inn to get a room. Walking up to the counter, she smacked her hand on the counter. [color=red]"Do you have any rooms available?"[/color] Alex asked the innkeeper. The man around his forties slowly turned his gaze up from his newspaper before promptly flailing and almost fallinng out of his stool as he let out a loud scream. Giving a blank stare at the man, Alex then rolled her blue eyes. [color=red]"What? Never seen a woman as tall as me before? Take a picture. It will last longer."[/color] Alex said sarcastically, watching the man stare up at her before shaking his head. [color=Orange]"Um... Yeah sorry. Sorry we are booked. Got quite a few refugees come in."[/color] The innkeeper managed to reply. Alex gave a audible groan. Just her luck, guess she was sleeping somewhere in the jungle. Not like that wasn't anything new but it would have been nice to get some attempted sleep. Though she doubted she would. In which case she was thinking of basically kidnapping Naisha for assistance, but she was probably going to sleep at the temple. And as much as Alex wanted to be selfish and drag her friend away, it wouldn't be right for Naisha to miss the opportunity of the part of being a Guardian and traveling through the temple. Legally. So Alex would have to have another sleepless night and ask Naisha another time. Plus, Alex could never sleep in the temple for two reasons. One was the priests hated her, and the other was that temples always have her massive migraines and made her furious. So it's impossible and was probably just better she didn't go inside with the rest of them unless needed. She'd just guard the entrance in case Thane or his goons came by. Alex huffed a thanks but before she could turn and head back to the group, she felt a hand on her shoulder and she turned to see it was Urick. Surprise crossed her face at the sight of the slightly shorter man. Honestly, she had not expected to see him. Or anyone really at this rate. They were drifting. Which only meant the end painfully neared. Still, she looked at him and crossed her arms over her chest. [color=red]"I'm fine. You don't need to bother with me. You should go with the others. They'll need you more. Especially since I can't go inside. But thanks for checking up on me. At least some of you hasn't changed. Still nice most of the time."[/color] Alex said, giving a slight smile along with a soft sigh as she walked outside, stretching her tall muscled body.