[quote=@Jangel13] [color=pink]father you left me behind again. Are you done here? We need to get back to the safe house before a devil confess to take our souls![/color] [/quote] Calvin was startled. He had completely forgotten about the nun embedded upon him by the Church. Like a squire who would assist the knight in his duties. Unfortunately, the nun was not the most coordinated of people and still quite fresh in the world of supernatural, believing all Devils were evil and the Church was right all the time. There was still time though for the nun to adjust to what was real and Calvin told himself to just be patient with her. "[color=gray]Yes, I'm quite done... er...[/color]" Calvin took a moment to remember the nun's name. "[color=gray]...Rika, right?[/color]" The priest was not sure and he waited for the nun to say if it was correct. "[color=gray]Well anyway, we need to contact the Vatican. I need to warn them that beings beyond Heretics may be involved in this situation.[/color]" Calvin said. "[color=gray]I pray it is not true though.[/color]"