[hr] [h1] [color=aba000]Martin Kirkman[/color] [/h1] [hr] Martin was just washing his plate when his phone beeped. Checking the device he noticed a text from an unknown number. Don't ask who this is, I'm going to be brief, there is a chance for you to take out Khan. She is attacking the NEST Headquarters now with her group of Fiends. It's possible for you to head through the sewers, I'll send you the map. [color=aba000]“Damn”[/color] This was one hundred and ten percent suspicious but, Khan. No Khan no Fiends. That’s a hell of a target. [color=aba000]“Yah know what they say, don’t look a gift informant in the face.”[/color] He slid his phone into his pocket as he mumbled. There was really only one possibility open to him. He took one last look at the girl that amazingly had not woken at the smell of cooking bacon. It must have been a long time since she slept soundly. Well no point in waking her. She just isn’t ready to dive into his world yet. She’d like as not say otherwise but this would go beyond a street fight. This was war. He packed his gear into his duffle bag quietly and made his way out the building. The garage door slid up to reveal his trusty pickup sitting exactly as he left it. Woe betide the motherfucker that though jacking this ride was a good idea. Opening the door and stepping in he rolled the pickup out and slid the garage closed behind him. The familiar feel and sound of the pickup helped calm his heart. It was starting to beat to the rhythm he remembered from Iraq. If he was right, this would be his biggest action since those sands had driven them against the Iraqi trench lines and into the cities. Surprisingly he had no trouble crossing the city. The guard were to put It mildly, freaking the fuck out. Merely attacking NEST HQ had acted as one of the most effective decapitation strikes Martin had ever seen. NEST would be damn lucky to see and concerted guard backup in the next hour let alone proper relief. The guard were weekend soldiers. They might know how to shoot gangers but all out war was foreign to them. Even so he knew he would only get one chance at this and failure meant almost certain imprisonment or death. “I’m sure the odds are good” a wry smile crossed his features. He pulled up near the manhole in question just off the street. Grabbing his bag he got out and swiftly removed the cover with his hand tool, checking for observers as he went. Getting down into the tunnels he could hear a mass of people moving in the distance. He changed into his gear leaving his clothes in the duffle bag under a grate. The black armoured suit and the helmet fit together perfectly to create his own little fortress. Pistol checked and holstered, grenades check, det packs check, vital systems check, rifle checked loaded locked and ready for work. He jogged down the tunnel approaching the fiend hoard, their hollers getting louder and louder. As he rounded the corner a couple of flagging Fiends turned and started raising their guns and tools. [color=aba000]“VAMANOS, COME ON MOVE IT THOSE NESTIES AIN’T GONNA KILL THEMSELVES EH?”[/color] Walking forward the man seemed to have the Fiends on the back foot till one particularly nasty looking PoS got in front of him. [color=00aeef]“EW the fuck are yew”[/color] he grogged out from a mouth that looked as if it had taken six or seven too many hammer blows. Martin did not stop but replied [color=aba000]“I’m the Cabrón your boss paid a lot of money to be here, so unless you want to explain why I took my advance and left to Khan then get out of my fucking face.”[/color] Laying his hand on Martin’s shoulder he fucked up. [color=00aeef]“ I ain’t jus gurkeff”[/color] Martin put a boot In his instep and flipped him over onto the ground by the throat. Following him down his shoulders rocked back and forth as his fists rained down on halfwit’s face. Armoured knuckles swiftly disintegrating it. The visage of the black armoured Wolfhound looked up with blood streaked across his hands and forearms. Seeing the other Fiends standing around watching he roared [color=aba000]“ I THOUGHT I SAID GET GOIN”[/color]. Standing the wolfhound wiped his hands on the dying fiend’s vest and picked up the rifle again. The watchers had made feet down the tunnel. Striding down himself he shouldered his way past the massed bodies pushing their way into the sub-level. He threw his elbows and rifle butt around till he made his way in. Looked like a small maintenance area for the tower’s utilities there was likely other basement areas like the garage but they seemed to be unconnected to this one. Somebody’s head was gonna roll over this architectural oversight… Unless somebody meant for this to be a massive hole in security. The flow of freaks was pretty concentrated toward the area that must be the lobby. Gunshots rang out like a symphony with wailing and shouting an accompanying band. It’s easy to forget just how many junkies there are in a whole city. The corridors teemed with them like some disgusting infestation. The wolfhound stepped off from the flow to enter a side room from which could be heard screaming. Stepping in he found three Fiends and some woman in a boiler suit. Too close to the breech to get out before the freaks swept past. [color=aba000]“Hey you see know where Khan went?”[/color] [color=92278f]“The fuck do a look like yer secretary. She past the lobby or something. You gonna join in or fuck off?”[/color] Bang Bang Bang Clink Clink Clink [color=aba000]“No hay de qué chica”[/color] The wolfhound stepped out the room closing the door behind him. The handle on the outside flew off as it met the butt of his rifle. It was damn hard to resist opening up on the freaks in general but they’d only drag him down with numbers. He was here for the queen freak. He made his way toward the lobby where the defenders had taken positions firing down from the upper levels on the Fiends trying to get up the stairs. From behind the doorway he could see that they were piling up bodies like nobody’s business, but they’d run out of ammo long before the stream of fiends pushing those in front of them died out. For their sake he hoped they had secondary positions further in and up.