[color=6ecff6][b] “Ehhhhhhhhhm… “[/b][/color] Nai wasn’t sure what to do when Sifen came around to look at her hover chair again. The man clearly wasn’t well and him being all active around here wasn’t good for his health.[color=6ecff6][b]” Sifen, the hovering works with my magic… the engine was only for moving me around.”[/b][/color] The mage explained to the one armed man. She vaguely wondered if there was a way for his arm to regrow. It was most likely possible with a full heal spell or an elixir. [b][color=6ecff6]“Well good to see you in one piece then, Braska.”[/color][/b] Nai replied to the man.[color=6ecff6][b]” They aren’t know for being the most forgiving opponents. You are lucky if you only ended with a sleep spell. There could have been a lot worse endings that could have gone down.”[/b][/color] She smiled.[color=6ecff6][b]” Seriously though, next time come home one in a while even when it’s not blitzball tournament season. You parents want to see you.”[/b][/color] The mage stated. ----------------------------------------- Finally they were all moving in towards the temple, but Naisha encountered a slight problem with that action. The stares from the priests at her, hurt quite a bit… it was as if she was some kind of monster. She didn’t stay behind and quickly threw some angry looks back at them and even flared her magic a bit. A thought occurred in her mind that once she recovered completely, she could pretty much destroy the entire temple in a matter of minutes. [color=6ecff6][b]“ You guys continue in without me…”[/b][/color] She quietly said as she turned around back towards the city. Gathering whatever magic she could muster at the moment, she changed the original float spell a little to push her forward. Now she makeshifted herself a moving mechanism and headed towards the city. ----------------------------------------- Moving through the town, Naisha attracted all sorts of terrified or angry or both glares. Everyone was reaction to her horn now and it certainly did hurt. Before people tended to look at her with pity which also made her feel bad, but this was times worse.” FIEND!” Someone shouted when he saw her, but she tried to ignore him. In the end she just accelerated as fast as possible and began moving away from the people. Finally she saw Alex exiting from a building and stretching her body. She also saw Urick there and here movement halted to a stop. Urick liked Alex or at least that’s what Nai thought. If she went and moved to them, she was probably going to destroy his chance to get closer tonight. Nai was about to call out to them, but no voice came out of her lips and the hand she was about to reach out and wave with, quickly stopped and fell down on in her lap. She realized she was ignoring Alex for a while since the ship crashed. What sort of friend was Nai anyway? Forgetting her friend and getting frustrated over something else. The mage felt terrible at the moment. She used her magic to turn the chair around and slowly began moving back in the direction of the temple. She didn’t even notice the people’s stares on the way back. The only thing that she noticed was the pain from a stone that someone threw at her and hit on the forehead. The pain was pretty strong and the blood from the wound was dripping down her face. Nai couldn’t do anything besides cry silently as she finally left the town and eventually reached the temple once again. This time she didn’t bother try to enter, she just moved to the right side of the gate and sat there, using a piece of cloth to try to clear the blood from her face.[color=6ecff6][b]" I'm such a bad person..."[/b][/color] Nai muttered.