Vanessa took a deep breath and tried to calm down, why she was so nervous she didn't even know herself! She knew Kade already for her whole life or at least from all those summers she was at her grandparents. They had ride their bikes together, they had played games together, he had learned her how to roller blade without falling.. She took another deep breath and then looked at Riley with a smile. ''Since when are you so wise?'' she asked the girl and smiled. Then she nodded at her suggestion and walked back to the kitchen, she took the plates from the table and looked at the table. She knew it would be to heavy for the three of them and right at that moment she heard a motorcycle coming this way, then heard how it got parked and shut of. Like, thirty second later her doorbell rang, she smiled some and walked over to the door. She opened it and smiled. ''Hey..'' she said and looked at him.. Wow.. He is hot!! She felt her cheeks turn red and she had now way of hiding it. ''Okay ehm.. My dear dear Kade, can you please help? Because.. With this nice weather Sarah and Riley had the idea of taking the dinner outside but, I don't own a garden set yet.. So my real question is... Could you help move the table to the garden?'' she asked and sighed a little. She thought of it a second and then nodded. ''Yes.. That is my question'' she said and then let him in. Oh she was such a bad host, asking questions even before letting him in.. Once he was inside and she had taken his jacket and hung it away, she smiled at him and in a short moment, she kissed his cheek and that made her think of their date this Saturday. ''Oh and.. I will gladly go on a date with you..'' she said and her blushing cheeks came back and she looked down. It was so weird.. She couldn't talk to him, look at him or just think of him without feeling a blush coming up but in a moment where she didn't use her mind and didn't think, she could give him a kiss on his cheek without the blushing like a high school girl. She then walked to the living room with the open kitchen and turned around the pork chops, checked the salad and the grilled potatoes. ''The appetizer is ready.. I'll serve it when the table is outside'' she said. She knew she didn't had a garden set yet because her parents had told her they had stored everything away, she knew she always could ask where they had put the key so she could take a look between it but she also knew they had taken it away because it would make Vanessa think to much about her grandparents and then she would keep crying.