As his eye met the stone, he managed to hide any repulsion with a single step back, the only indication being a slight twitch of his eyelid. The entire right side of his face seemed to itch and burn, like he had bathed it in ivy. "It's certainly powerful," he muttered under his breath as he took another step back, spitting the now flavourless gum onto the ground. "I'm sure the Jehannans do not have entirely pure intentions for this thing," he said out loud as he maintained a small distance between him and the revealed stone, "I'm a magical blank and I can still feel that...thing...pulsing." He turned back around to face the forest before taking a deep breath. "Follow me if you wish to advance unaccosted, royals," he said, the last word rolling off his tongue like poison, "while I won't guarentee your safety, I can at least tell you that me and me lads and lasses won't slit your throats in your sleep." He forgot to mention the other reason he was now helping them. Their encampment had been seeing some...shadowy figures as of late and it was causing fear and paranoia in the ranks. IF the sacred stone did what it was reputed to do...then he could at least ease the worries of his troops, if only for a day or two. That was reason enough to force his cooperation with this party. With a rustle of leaves, his troupe disappeared into the dense foliage of the woods. He stopped just as his figure was beginning to melt away into the green. "Coming?" he asked, flicking a look back.