[h2][color=mediumslateblue][i]~Awesome Sounding Name For Character List~[/i][/color][/h2] [hider=Shouken Washi] [center][img]http://pre13.deviantart.net/e0e5/th/pre/i/2015/073/7/c/jj_by_piiinkman-d8lmw1i.png[/img] [color=mediumslateblue][i]Think of the money that guy makes...The women...[/i][/color] [b]Shouken tower's most at 6'3 and has a lanky yet muscular build. He is around 190 lbs. but looks as thin as a rail. At a younger age, his purple hair would fade to brown in the summer and shade back to purple in the winter, however, now, It stays a darker shade of purplish pink. He has bright, deep, blue eyes that supply his innocence while his somewhat chiseled jawline compliments his more deceptive and darker look. Shouken's outfit matches that perfectly of the picture, save for his new blade, Bachiatari, which sits in a mimicking position of his previous blade, Kusemono. [/b][/center] [u][b]Personnel files.[/b][/u] [i]Access only by security personnel with a C3 clearance.[/i] [indent]【[U]Full Name[/U]】 [I]Shouken Washi[/I] 【[U]Alias[/U]】 [i]The Oasis[/i] 【[U]Age[/U]】 [i]17[/i] 【[U]Sex[/U]】 [i]Male[/i] 【[U]Sexuality[/U]】 [i]Hetero[/i] 【[U]Birthplace[/U]】 [i]Sunakagure[/i] 【[U]Bloodline[/U]】 [i]Washi[/i] 【[U]Rank[/U]】 [i]Chūnin[/i][/indent] [u][b]Psych. report.[/b][/u] [i]Medical secrecy applies.[/i] [indent]【[U]Personality[/U]】 [i]kind hearted and loyal. He is confident within himself but ignores his limitations. He is always eager for a challenge and often is the first to start making wages. It is nearly impossible to dampen his spirit with words, and all who have tried have failed. Shouken hates to see any form of suffering and will go out of his way to ease someone else's stress before his own. He was fairly popular amongst his class, and even teachers were pleased by his presence. He strives to become the best ninja possible and is willing to do whatever it takes to achieve that goal. Shouken's seriousness shows rarely, as he usually covers up his emotions with jests or taunting. He doesn't fear death, which allows him to fight with everything, holding nothing back. He'd sooner spit in the face of a kage rather than give up. He is forgiving and understanding, yet his bold attitude shades it to where people may get the wrong idea. He likes the attention from the crowd but refuses to lead. He's a little lazy when it comes to responsibilities and will usually turn down a leadership role, unless the order is necessary. [/i] 【[U]History[/U]】 [i]Shouken was born in Sunakagure, expected to take over his Father's store. Though, fate had a different plan for Shouken. He was blessed with the element of water and also possessed a strong urge to use it. By 5, he was practicing hand signals and claiming to be the world's strongest Shinobi. At 9, Shouken took his first life. His parent's store was being robbed and burned to the ground as he returned from playing with friends. Thugs had started the fire and fled the scene, but one remained, pointing a small knife at Shouken. His gaze still struck upon the burning building, Shouken snapped. Thoughts of his parents being trapped inside rummaged through his head and rage filled his body. He lunged at the large man, knocking him to the ground. Shouken was instantly atop the man with his hand over the mouth of the thug. Water surged down the throat of the man and began to fill up his esophagus. Shouken returned the man's horrid struggle to breathe with an emotionles glare. As the man's body went still, Shouken eased his hand down to be accompanied by his Father who had been running errands. His mom remained inside the building. The following month, Shouken and his father moved to Konohagakure to resume the store business in a safer enviroment. A year passed with the death of his Mother, but that never stopped him from following his dream. That very next year, Shouken's father registered him in The Academy. Shouken had even more determination now than ever. He loved his mother and knew she would love to see him excel. Shouken studied and trained non-stop. Once Shouken turned 12, he achieved the Genin Rank. The following year he would earn his next ranking of Chunin. He soon hopes to achieve his Jonin Rank and truly make his family proud. However, he does not plan to stop there. [/i] 【[U]Family ties[/U]】 [i]Danguu Washi - Father Suma Washi - Mother[/i] [b]Danguu Washi | Father | 39, Konohagakure, General Store Owner Suma Washi | Mother | 35, Deceased, [/b] 【[U]Dreams and fears[/U]】 [i]Simply to be the best and to help anyone within his ability.[/i][/indent] [u][b]Combat reports.[/b][/u] [i]Gathered from evaluation reports after missions.[/i] [indent]【[U]Fighting style[/U]】 [i]Shouken likes distance between him and his opponent. He rarely deals in close and when he does, he gets out quick. His hand to hand is not bad, by no means, but his confidence fades when it comes to this category. He battles that insecurity with his Katana 'Bachiatari' in which case he cast aside negative thoughts and attempts take on his opponent up close. His skills with the sword are quite exceptional. Although, he knows no techniques for his blade, Shouken paid very close attention over the years and has somewhat "adapted" other kenjutsu techniques into his own style. He is very fluid and is more than likely capable of keeping up with jonin level bladesmen. Shouken only uses his blade when necessary and prefers his ranged attacks. He also possess great Genjutsu disturbance techniques and is able to shut down his chakra flow to nothing. [/i] 【[U]Ninja techniques[/U]】 [u]A rank techniques:[/u] [i][url=http://naruto.wikia.com/wiki/Water_Release:_Great_Shark_Bullet_Technique]Water Release: Great Shark Bullet Technique[/url][/i] [u]B rank techniques:[/u] [i][url=http://naruto.wikia.com/wiki/Water_Release:_Snake%27s_Mouth]Water Release: Snake's Mouth[/url][/i] [i][url=http://naruto.wikia.com/wiki/Water_Release:_Five_Feeding_Sharks]Water Release: Five Feeding Sharks[/url][/i] [i][url=http://naruto.wikia.com/wiki/Water_Release:_Water_Fang_Bullet]Water Release: Water Fang Bullet[/url][/i] [u]C rank techniques:[/u] [i][url=http://naruto.wikia.com/wiki/Water_Release:_Gunshot]Water Release: Gunshot[/url][/i] [i][url=http://naruto.wikia.com/wiki/Water_Prison_Technique]Water Prison Technique[/url][/i] [i][url=http://naruto.wikia.com/wiki/Water_Clone_Technique]Water Clone Technique[/url][/i] ~~[i]Custom Made Techniques[/i]~~ Jutsu Name: Water Technique: Hydro Wolf Rank: B Description: Hydro Wolf is conducted by creating a simple set of seals. Shouken generates water throughout his body and unleashes it from his mouth. After extreme training, Shouken adapted the skills of shark techniques and developed the shape into that of a massive wolf head with the body of a snake that's length depends on when Shouken decides to stop. The wolf, in comparison to the shark, is fairly large, however, the speed of the wolf doubles that of the shark. This does not only add speed but also power. The jutsu can follow the opponent for about 8-10 seconds before dispersing into a small bed of water. Jutsu Name: Water Technique: Twin Wolf Collision Rank: B Description: Shouken performs the same seals as his Hydro Wolf technique, but with this he places his right index finger over his lips forcing the wolf to split into two smaller, yet faster, wolves which home in on the enemy. The two wolves shoot out with incredible speed (Kind of how you hold your thumb over the water hose) and chase the enemy for about 8-10 seconds before dissapating. The wolves strike at opposite ends of the victom's body, attempting to reconnect. This causes a small explosion which can leave the opponent disoriented and having strong internal pains. 【[U]Weaponry, tools and objects.[/U]】 [b][u]Weapon, tool or object name:[/u][/b] [i]Bachiatari[/i] [b][u]Weapon, tool or object type:[/u][/b] [i]Katana that does allow chakra flow. [/i] [b][u]Description:[/u][/b] [hider=Bachiatari][i][img]http://www.swordsantiqueweapons.com/images/s1582.jpg[/img][/i][/hider][/indent] Other: Shouken carries around a little case that contains 3 cigarette looking joints. In his free time on a mission he likes to smoke one alone to relieve any stress and to stay somewhat sane..[/hider] [hider=NPC-Kumo] [img]http://img05.deviantart.net/6cd0/i/2015/114/e/2/iymai_lydec_by_mario_reg-d563f2q.png[/img] 【Full Name】 Kumo Amimono 【Alias】 The Spider Sage 【Age】 ?? 【Sex】 Male 【Sexuality】 Hetero 【Birthplace】 Kusakagure 【Bloodline】 Amimono 【Rank】 Jonin Psych. report. Medical secrecy applies. 【Personality】 【History】 【Family ties】 【Dreams and fears】 None as a shinobi Combat reports. Gathered from evaluation reports after missions. 【Fighting style】 Mixed 【Ninja techniques】 Various Summonings along with many web techniques 【Weaponry, tools and objects.】 Weapon, tool or object name: Weapon, tool or object type: Description: Describe the weapon, tool or objects appearance, and describe it's potentials and weaknesses. tl;dr how [/hider]