Saina nodded in understanding to Gippal and folded her arms, closing her eyes contently as she listened to Eva's sobs impatiently. The movement was small, but her index finger drummed against her arm at a steady beat. It was agonizing listening to the summoner cry and not being able to help, frustrating even. She opened her eyes when she heard Urick's voice speak up and looked over at him, her face a blank slate. He made some motions to Gippal, who seemed to understand the silent communication, and pushed Naisha over to Braska before he turned to her with a blush on his face. [color=yellow]"Temples... Center our... Minds...and souls..."[/color] Saina blinked at him with her eyes slightly widened as his blush increased and he had to walk off, presumably to go after the redhead. She watched him go, her arms still folded. It took her a moment to figure out what he was talking about, but when she remembered what she'd told him about the temples, she smiled after him. She gave a small sigh and turned back to the group, having to chuckle under her breath to stave off the sudden handful of loud heartbeats in her chest. Resisting the urge to reach her hand up and curl a lock of hair around her finger, she caught up to Gippal and matched him step for step--or what she could, with her legs being shorter than his--as they made their way into the temple. She kept her palm upward to take the alchemy circle drifting snow onto the two above them like an umbrella until they made it inside, where she snatched her hand closed and allowed the magic to fade. She looked over her shoulder through the closing doors as the black mage sped away on her broken chair. Hmph... The girl really wasn't any use to their cause anyways. She put her focus back to the crew. Her eyes found Eva's form relaxed and at peace. Saina, too, relaxed at the sight, rather pleased that the summoner had calmed down. The priests within offered them board and to help with Sifen's arm, but a part of the conversation caught her eye in particular. [color=mediumslateblue]"Cousin?"[/color] She spoke up, turning to Gippal with an eyebrow slightly raised. [color=mediumslateblue]"I'd thought Urick was your brother. With the way you two interact and look alike..."[/color] She paused, looking the pale haired man up and down before noting with a note of humor in her tone, [color=mediumslateblue]"Excluding physique, that is."[/color] Her lips parted, as though she'd just remembered something and let out a soft 'hmm' as she looked around the temple. She looked back at him with a palm raised, using her hands to talk in this instance. As she'd spoken up some of the priests and temple goers took notice of the group more. [color=mediumslateblue]"That may have come off as offensive... I apologize. Your own physique does suit you, as well as your cousins. But, I'm getting off topic,"[/color] She turned to one of the Yevon priests and bowed her head. [color=mediumslateblue]"Thank you for your hospitality. We graciously accept."[/color]