[h1]Injae Park[/h1] [@Mr Allen J][@BurningDaisies] [hr] It was like a blur to Ratchet. On top of being worried out of her mind for herself, her kidnappers had left Kate on the streets without an older guardian or companion. Her family would be worried sick, and devastated if Kate told them what happened to Ratchet. Which she probably did. Next thing she knew she was strapped like a surgery patient (or mad doctor's experiment) to a table. Ratchet's thoughts ran through her head. What the heck did her kidnappers want [i]her[/i] for? (Besides the obvious, of course.) Thrashing. Meifeng was awake. As Jen and Meifeng talked, Ratchet continued to worry about her family. Another thought crossed her mind; if Ratchet was a target, who's to say that her brother and cousin aren't targets as well? Ratchet heard the sound of water dripping and freezing, and then the sound of metal snapping. "Well," she commented, as Meifeng froze herself free, "I suppose they can't hold [i]you[/i] back anymore." After Meifeng freed both Jen and her, Ratchet rubbed her neck. (She would've rubbed her wrist, too, if not for the fact that one was made of fiberglass and the other couldn't be rubbed by a flywheel.) "Thanks, Meifeng," Ratchet said, "I'd rather not have more machinery on me than I need." Ratchet slipped off the table, then staggered a bit, still weak in the knees from the sedative. "Crap," she muttered, grabbing hold of the table and pulling herself back up. As she did, she got a glimpse of the limp Anna. "Okay, Jesus Christ, what in the world did they do to her?" Ratchet asked. "Like, I heard you talking about them wanting to experiment on us or something..." So the kidnappers wanted to use the girls as a twisted science experiment, eh? Ratchet frowned with disapproval. "How the governments never find out about this stuff, I'll never know," she remarked, before turning to Meifeng. "So what's the plan for getting out of here?" she asked.