Celina listened to what that bat called Trevor said, telling her he was afraid of fairies... She stared a bit. It seemed a bit ridiculous but... maybe something happened before that made him be really afraid of them. At least there weren't any fairies around, she though. She fallowed him, seeing the sign about the exploration guild. She looked at him and then though a bit. "I... think so. I didn't really fallow on that part, heard about it like a month ago but was too busy with my others games." she says calmly, before looking forwards. "Fairy type... I kinda... heard about it a bit from some people, but didn't really look into it and all." she says, looking down a bit. She breath deeply. At least she found someone that lived the same situation as her for this... although afraid of fairies, that was a first for her. She was wondering what actually caused this though. And from everyone in her world, why her and Trevor. "Think this place might be able to help us?" she then asks in a low tone, unsure