[center][img]http://images6.fanpop.com/image/answers/3380000/3380551_1381149278905.65res_300_300.jpg[/img] [h2]Team Jun: Gin Kakiyama, Somewhere near Tonaka Castle[/h2][/center] Gin had shielded Chihiro with his body from some of the debris as Jun handled most of it. A few chunks impacted his back as expected from a blast from the infamous Shibuki blade. He turned to face the intruder with a glare that represent both fear intensity. He may not have known who the man was aside from his introduction, but with him wielding Shibuki, there was no denying it, that was "The Drunkard" Yopparai, one of the seven swordsmen of the mist, someone who should not be taken lightly. [color=aba000]"Mister Gin!"[/color] [color=00aeef]"All ready on it."[/color] He muttered to himself. He had an idea of what he was dealing with. He immediately put up his Hidden Mist as thick as he could get it while Jun took Chihiro and got her out of there. The mist would bring it vision range to about 8 inches as the mist stretched around the house and over to a few nearby alley ways. He withdrew two kunai wrapped with explosive tags that he threw in the direction where he saw Yopparai before he disappeared, hoping they either made contact with him directly or in front of him. With that he followed suit like Jun while using his silent killing technique to hide the sound from his movement as he escaped through the window that Jun had exited from. Gin hadn't looked behind him as he escaped but only in the direction of where Jun had went off in. With this he spoke quietly into the mic low enough for only his team to hear. [color=00aeef]"Jun you already know this but I'm going to say this anyway. Get Chihiro-sama out of here as quickly as you can and don't fucking worry about me. I'll try to hold them off if need be. I don't know for how long, but whatever time I can give you, use it well...She was right Jun... I'm a failure. I shouldn't be a ...But I'm going to make it up to her...One way or another...Gin out."[/color] It was only a last resort but if it came to it he would give his life for his comrades. His gaze harden in front of him as he ran through the mist placing his hands together he made three water clones, and quickly put a henge over the two to make them look like Jun holding Chihiro as the clones disappeared into the alley that led to a street opposite of them. Gin would follow a safe distance behind the real Jun and Chihiro as a defensive measure against the drunkard and an unknown target that he had only glanced at. It would only be time until those to caught up but when they did he would be ready.