[center][h2][color=f7976a]Ayame[/color][/h2] Dragon Fang Hotel Nero - Eve - Time Lord[/center] Ayame quietly watched Eve as she got her food from the Time Lord and made sure Eve wouldn't see her staring at her by averting her gaze to something else. Her plan was working perfectly but she didn't consider one single thing, Nero. Her face reddend once again when Nero commented on her open mouth. She immediatly covered her mouth with both of her hands and turned her head the other way. She calmed down slightly when Nero pushed the plate in front of her. Her face was however still red when she looked over. She furiously looked at Nero with a pout on her face [color=f7976a]"I-it was an accident!"[/color] Ayame glanced over her food and quietly muttered with her head low [color=f7976a]"T-thank you for the food..."[/color] a warm smile was on her face as she grabbed the knife and fork and began to dig in cutting little triangles from the pancakes and immediatly eating the triangles up. The amount of pancakes stacked on top of each other was huge. It took her some time to even eat a small bit of the whole stack of pancakes but she was getting there. Nero began with talking to Time Lord which never could have been a good thing in the first place. Ayame began eating slower and slower and eventually stopped with eating once a major discussion broke out. Ayame left the fork hanging in her mouth and quietly listened to the discussion. It was fairly hard to follow the two and most of the times it seemed like they were using difficult words and tricks for Ayame not being able to follow it. Once Nero was finished talking the spoon he was holding turned to water. Ayame panicked and began cleaning up the mess Nero had made without any complaints. Time Lord continued. She kept quiet and glanced over to Eve from time to time when she was cleaning up the mess on the table. There was something weird happening. The speeche of the Time Lord was a little strange. From the discussion they were having he suddenly turned to talk to Eve in a happy tone. Ayame raised an eyebrow and sat down on her chair again. Ayame was still looking over at Time Lord squinting her eyes a little in suspicion and was expecting for Nero to say something but was rather surprised when he kept quiet for so long. Ayame glanced over at Nero and didn't know what she was saying. Nero looked really nervous and was even sweating a little. Did Time Lord cause this much damage to her comrade. She gladly sighed again once he began talking. She smiled lightly at Time Lord once Nero mentioned her and was glad Nero was trying to befriend the Time Lord by giving him a warming handshake. Both Nero and Ayame turned silent once Time Lord only continued the discussion and didn't even accept the handshake from Nero. Ayame shook her head lightly knowing this was the wrong thing to do. It could finally have ended the problems between the two of them could finally have ended but no. Nero whitdrew his hand and soon pardoned himself. Ayame stood up bumping her chair over while she was at it. The chair hit the ground and Ayame tried to stop Nero but could only poke her hand out to him [color=f7976a]"N-nero..."[/color] Time Lord sat down in one of the chairs as Eve went after Nero. Ayame stood still for a moment still hoping he would comeback with Eve but after a minute or two nothing seemed to be happening. Ayame just only noticed the food and broken plate on the ground and franticlly started working on cleaning it. Her mind was still high up in the clouds making her only latter realise that the broken pieces of the bord were cutting into her hand leaving several bloody cuts in her hands. She kept on cleaning and dropped the broken plate onto her own. She trew a few coins onto the table for anything that they had broken and left in a hurry. But before she completly left she had to do a small thing. Ayame had never promised to do these kind of things again but it was usefull most of the time. With her magic she had complete controll over any object that you could think of. Ayame took controll over Time Lord his chair and looked him right in the eyes. The look in her eyes could tell that she kind of regretted what she was about to do but he completly earned this punishment. Ayame made the chair bend the two back legs so that the chair would fall backwards. As soon as the chair started to fall she left the hotel and the back legs of the chair would return to normal again. Ayame soon left the hotel of course not really thinking it had succeeded anyway. He must have had a way to escape that fall anyways so she didn't really mind if it failed or not. Scaring him was enough for her to call as a payback for now. Dropping that subject, it was timd to find Nero and Eve. She glanced around the area for a bit but couldn't immediatly spot him. She walked a little more and eventually spotted the two of them together with another person that she didn't know. Ayame ran rowards Nero with her arms wide open and small tears in her eyes ready to comfort him. She came closer and closer and eventually she balled up her fist and punched him in the stomach as she tiptoed and whispered in one of his ears [color=f7976a]"I'm sorry, both of you... Got punishment."[/color] She still kept on hugging him, snuggling her face against his chest and her hands stuck on his clothes. Ayame eventually left him alone and returned to her familiar spot behind his back. To tired to edit grammar T-T