Official (not really official) theme song for the RP: [center] [u][b]POKEMON: BRASS VERSION [/b][/u] [img][/img][/center] Man has a skill like no other creature. They take from the environment to create and build new original works. It is that skill which has launched the world into a revolution of technology. Steam, the simple creation of fire and water now has begun to power cities, trains, and far greater feats. This is all possible thanks to the astounding creatures that inhabit the earth known as Pokemon. This rapid growth in technology, industry, and population has changed life the world over. Not all of it for the better. Pollution is a new and real threat in some areas, and new questions of ethics are being raised by critics of the scientific community as pokemon have become a major field of study. Pokemon in the workplace is nothing new, but some factories have pushed to have large teams of pokemon working near non-stop to meet demand. Scientists and officials are split on whether this treatment is acceptable, while others question if we can continue without despite that. [center][img][/img] [/center] The Nation of Entrin has been the forefront of this industrial revolution, and now seeks to help modernize it’s colonies. It’s long time ally/colony Philitri has happily become the new center of scientific study and industrial invention thanks to its large mines as well as its massively varied environments including a desert, rainforest, mountains which even have a large snow covered area atop them, and far far more. You are a member of a small group organized by the Entrin University of Pokemon Human studies. Each of you provide something different, but are all well bodied and at least semi-skilled pokemon trainers. You have been asked to visit Philitri to assist Professor Donald Palm in his current survey of the island’s pokemon. The entire trip there is funded by the University and a decent amount of supplies were provided to each person. All members were also offered a very nice sum of money by Riecher Industries for information on the pokemon, resources, and new inventions developed in the region. Riecher doesn’t always seem like the cleanest of organizations, but they are loyal to the crown and provide a large amount of the products made in Entrin. This trip provides you a once in a lifetime chance to see rare pokemon, the latest in steam technology, and serve the crown. _---_---_---_---_ All of you have boarded an airship chartered by the university, the HMS Swellow, and have been flying across the land and sea to reach Philitri, an archipelago nation which originally was a colony, but now is nearly foreign territory of Entrin. You will be docking in the capital of Tinport the most advanced city in the nation and home to Prof. Palm’s laboratory. Philitri has a number of other cities, on the main island, and towns though the farther you get from the coast the smaller they become. There are at least twenty other islands in the archipelago, but only one fourth of them are of reasonable size for colonization. The remaining islands are interesting sites for wild pokemon, and do house very small villages mostly with native Philitrians. All pokemon species have been named and sited (to their knowledge), though some pokemon are only known through the natives who tell many myths and folktales about them. There is no organized pokemon league on the island, but there are trainers who follow the Entrin league standard rules of six pokemon max battles, four moves, one held item etc. Prof. Palm’s lab is located just outside of Tinport on a large plot of land that was originally a plantation. He and his many assistants as well as his brother Prof. Mortimor Palm, a master of steam engineering, all live on the site researching a wide selection of pokemon lent to them from trainers. If you ever have too many pokemon to tend to you can leave them with him there. __---____---__ [b]Notable Characters[/b] Prof. Palm is a gray haired yet youthful man who has dedicated his life to the study of pokemon and how history has been affected by their existence, as well as how they can build our future. He is a kind hearted laid back sort of person taking life one step at a time never really worrying about what comes next, but still hoping for the best. [hider=My Hider] [img][/img] [/hider] Mortimor Palm a retired industrialist and inventor of the compressed steam tank as well as many other massively important inventions that pushed science forward. His business was one of the strongest in Entrin, but was bought out by Richer Industries. Mortimor does not hold a grudge, but still feels that work has been left undone. He now spends his time at his brother’s lab unsure of what to do next. [hider=My Hider] [img][/img] [/hider] Nichalo Rion is a member of the University who has been sent with all of you as a sort of guide to the nation as well as a link back to the University. He plans to remain in Tinport at the Chansey’s Rest Hotel. He’s a skilled and intelligent man, but not very outgoing much preferring to study than experiment. He’s shorter and somewhat pale hardly impressive, but he’d much rather dedicate his time to knowledge than give any heed to his own appearance. He has only had time to train one pokemon a Duskull named Brel. [hider=My Hider] [img][/img] [/hider] Miranda Evox was a late addition to the University crew and is serving to explore how pokemon interact with people in the cities rather than the wilderness like the rest of the group. The daughter of a high ranking military officer she was able to use her position to gain a spot on the trip. Though a true aristocrat she is no slouch, and is very much dedicated to the mission of the University. Her main pokemon is a Purloin named Fiska. [hider=My Hider] [img][/img] [/hider] ==__==__==__== [b]Rules (IC)[/b] [hider=My Hider] I expect everyone to be of rather high skill, but they each would have their own trades. One might be a military officer asked to act as a guard, another might be a scientist from the university. Spoilers on my character I'm using an inventor/engineer from the university. Don't think that means we can't have another in the same trade just stick to a different part of it. Jasper, the character I have prepared, is a specialist in small devices (pretty much pokeballs, guns, all those smaller more clockwork based machines, but also has a couple larger things, but no massive boilers or engines or any of that.) another person could know all about the ships and even the automobiles which are starting to show up. Weapons aren't too impossible to get if you know the right people. We for example are being sent into unexplored wild territory we all have been provided with at least one weapon unless character backstory makes it reasonable for more. Ex. a soldier who is positioned as a guard for the group. normal people might have knives or revolvers etc. simple weapons. crime exists of course, but even then pokemon can take bullets like a steel attack, it will just lower their HP, but not injure them really. if a pokemon is out of HP and takes a bullet then they are wounded. Labs, apothicaries, and other utilities will be around to tend to injured pokemon. As for pokemon I'm following all of the standard sorts of rules I'd say. type weaknesses are the same, pokemon are trained for sport as well as for work (and the sport is fully accepted as safe as pokemon don't kill each other their just tire themselves out as I mentioned before.) Could you specify the question a bit more? Since there are differences like we can fight pokemon ourselves with fisticuffs or a weapon if we carry one, but thats done to protect us or our pokemon from wild pokemon. One thing about food, wild pokemon are feral monsters, when they begin to be trained they're mental capabilities improve and they go off their reason rather than their instinct. some pokemon already go off reason, but others are just animals. all pokemon have their ability, they can be given a number of items with interesting properties, but held items will be rare ( I mean seriously why can't I put amulet coin (an amulet) and mystic water (a necklace) on the same pokemon? as for moves the whole 4 moves thing is part of the sport. pokemon know all their moves up to their level (I won't be enforcing a strict level, but have a sort of range you want to work within. pokemon grow and learn more as they go just like people). If you get into any "official" battles you will be asked to select 4 moves for that fight, and one held item. This will be if the group stumbles upon a tournament or something or even just wants to end a dispute with an official battle. “For type matching I've always seen it as it's not just the material but the elemental powers there. that rock throw is infused with the element of rock. if a human just threw a single stone then it'd just be normal type. If a human caused a rockslide then I'd let that go up to a rock type attack. It has a lot of context sensitive parts. a fire type can drink water, but if you splash a whole bucket of water on them it'd sting, a fire hose would hurt like hell. As for mega punch vs mach punch I'd say thats because mach punch is a fighting specific technique while mega punch is just a really solid punch. anyone can learn to punch hard it's very hard to master mach punch.” I am happy to answer any and all further questions. OOC rules: Post at least once a weak. I’m not heartless PM me if something comes up. I’m expecting solid Advanced level work her. Almost every NPC is up for being controlled, and I expect everyone to be a good enough writer to control some foes as well (like basic trainers or wild pokemon) and not always have perfect wins. Though Entrin is based on britain and Philitri is based on the Phillipenes I don’t expect you to use accents, but you may if you can keep it consistent. Of course follow the site rules, and we should be fine. [/hider] ___=-=___=-=___ [b]Application Page:[/b] [hider=My Hider] Name: Age:(Everyone should be an adult of some sort. We wouldn't send children on important scientific research that'd be silly) Profession/Trade:(Anything you can reasonably explain why they'd be hired for this job) Skills/traits: (this can also be where you put know weaknesses/negative traits) Equipment:(this is both your pokemon gear and other items including any weapons or anything, as the world certainly isn't a safe utopia remember. Crime is real, organized crime is beginning to show up again. Feel free to list generic items, but describe unique ones.) Appearance:( I highly recommend this even if its just to get a vague idea of a character appearance. It's simple but effective) Personality: (What really makes them tick? what ticks them off? what drives them? Why did they want this job? Give me an idea of what they really want out of this journey if not life.) Background:(The three things I really want to know are: social class/early years, professional life, and major turning points that define them.) [b]Pokemon[/b](you may start with 2 pokemon, or 3 if you choose a profession specifically about pokemon training) Species: Name: Ability: Moves: Appearance: Other: Pokemon Starters: You may have any basic pokemon (this refers to non-evolved), exlcuding: legendaries, psuedo legendaries, Lucario, Togetic, and any other high stat first stage pokemon (Ex. scyther or pinser.) any pokemon with a baby form must start as that baby pokemon. This is to give our pokemon room to grow as well as give me rarer stronger pokemon to place as challenges and as rewards. [/hider] ______________________________________________________ Finally gotten my character up and he's still WIP. I know exactly who he is just need to get it on the screen. [hider=Jasper Ricard] [b]Name: Jasper Ricard[/b] Age: 29 Profession/Trade: Steam/clockwork Engineer/weaponsmith Skills/traits: Mark’s true passion is small devices. Clockwork gears in perfect sync are music to his ears. He has been tinkering since he was a small lad rebuilding a broken pocketwatch received from his grandfather. He taught himself most things, but with his family's tight budget he filled his thirst for knowledge by earning a factory job repairing the steam hammers and other heavy machinery at Aecron Dry Docks. Though he’s a master of small devices factory equipment is rather easy for him to work with. Mark is no bookworm he is a doer experimenting to push the limits even if it risks his life. He’s broken bones, had the smirk literally knocked off his face, and more, but never gives up. He’s tenacious and daring a kid who sees the world as their playground. This should not be mistake for Mark not thinking or being a fool. Instead its more a lack of self preservation. He’s happy to risk himself for everything else. If he can’t trust his work no one else can. It’s his integrity that won’t let him stop before he’s taken the jump himself. Mark’s inventions aren’t only useful, but he has created a personal armory. He’s a wealthier man than most, and many companies would literally kill for his inventions. Despite being a member of the University of Engineering at Donnol, making all his inventions go to the University upon his death, an attempt has been made on his life before though there was no trace back to the group who hired the assassin. Mark already liked firearms finding them a fantastically fun selection of devices. This event forced him to master a number of them for self preservation. One of the dangers of knowing too much. He's gotten to be a crack shot, and the experience of fighting for his life has hardened him, driving him to become a crack shot. ------- Mark’s fortune hasn’t left him so fortunate. He’s made more than enough money to keep his workshop open so long as he keeps working, but he has no real way to handle the money and fame. He doesn’t want tons of money, but he needs it to keep up his workshop and supply his inventions. He does not make a new great invention every week, but the rent still comes no matter what. He also has no place in the high society. He has no real friends save for the ones he has to travel down to the rail yards or dry docks to meet. He’s normally stuck alone in his workshop as even paradise came with costs. Jasper is plagued by his need for genius his art and love at times have to be thrown aside to make the money he needs. Every company would be happy to snatch up his shop and patents cheap. As of late a lack of inspiration has left the shop empty and silent. Equipment: x5 pokeballs x5 potions x50ft of rope w/ grappling hook x1 PickAxe (pick one side axe the other) x1 pocket knife/multitool from the Swilad region (a gift from his uncle there. Built into it are: a screwdriver, knife, foon[fork spoon], and can opener) Jasper has a wooden box of scrap parts for his tinkering and repairs. whenever something breaks he fixes it with parts from the box or it goes in the box. Jasper carries a selection of his favorite inventions. He has always kept the best for himself. On his back is a compact rope holder which keeps the coil very flat against his back. He can pull out the rope to its max length, but it is tied to the machine. by tugging the rope three times it will pull the rope in. the machine is a hexagon shape about two and a half inches thick and covering his entire back. It has a clear hardened glass circle that shows the inner workings and how much rope is remaining in the device. Jasper’s weapon of choice is a modified coach gun. The short muzzled gun is not only ornate, an image of a charizard carved into the metal to make it look like the barrels fire a dragon’s breath, but also is highly efficient. He uses pre made cartridges, a recent invention of the Entrin Military world, for the double barreled shotgun. The gun’s main modification is a small clockwork device that locks the gun from use by anyone who doesn’t know how to disable the device. Jasper isn’t fond of dying to his own invention. He carries a sidearm in the form of a revolver with a bayonet on it. this revolver has a clockwork timer built into the hammer letting him delay it’s fire. This has proved useful in multiple events. His favorite trick involved throwing the revolver so it sticks into a wall and then fires through it to hit a target. Appearance: [img][/img] Jasper stands six foot two, and has a lean but muscular build from working metal all his life. He has sharp features and a devious glare to his amber eyes. [img][/img] Personality: Snide and cocky are often what people would call Jasper Ricard upon first meeting him. The man has little time for pointless chit chat about the weather and politics that don't actually change anything. Typically his way out of conversation is through casting snide judgement until the other person leaves. This is not to say he is always cold. He has his few friends though few are on the same social level as him. They know what really matters, and they are what drives Jasper: common men with a common goal. If he didn't need to spend so much to keep his inventions going, as the costs of materials only ever seem to rise, he'd be putting it all into shirring up the society he originates from. Once you've gotten past Jasper's callous dislike for small talk you can find a very intelligent man with an answer for nearly anything mechanical. He has even recently began studying electrical devices, but hasn't had a good enough source to really work with them. Jasper is exactly what you'd expect if you suddenly gave an average boy the chance to change the world. He doesn't just sit by and wait he does. Mark does have a temper though. He often grins and bares high society needing their funding, but would much rather lead a revolution and throw the aristocrats who keep blackening the city with their needless frivolities and really show what this era of progress could do for man and pokemon alike. He's gotten into a couple of fist fights, shot a man, and has no regrets over it. He has his beliefs and if you dare cross him you better be quick on the draw. Background: Mark started out in his family’s small country home where they did all sorts of work through good old fashioned cottage industry, but as times changed the family moved to the city and a cramped apartment. Going from cottage industry to factory work Mark was required to get a job young finding a place at V.Con Dry Docks. He didn’t work on the ships, but rather on the heavy machinery a knowledge of gears and springs already developed from fiddling with small devices. In his off hours he provided a cheap repair service for other tenants fixing watches and such. This business plus some of his pay being in spare parts, as per his request, allowed him to begin inventing in his very rare spare time. He knew the best had already been invented for factories, so instead he looked to the everyman and what they needed. He designed enhanced locks to stop thievery, a remote timer activated by a silent whistle, and other devices that could be used for whatever you needed. He sold a patent on the harmonic remote trigger to the military, and used that to fund most of his work. This also got him in with the right people to sell further. After Mark earned his own workshop he dedicated himself to small clockwork and weaponry finding them both fascinating.His works are now a household name as his inventions are bought out and produced by a number of large companies. He is most proud of reverse clock-winch a device for pokemon trainers that allows them to throw their pokeballs and pull them back by winding in a length of wire attached to the ball. As the pokeballs require an impact to release the energy of the pokemon inside this let trainers throw pokeballs and retrieve them instantly. He has kept this patent closely under guard producing them himself. His quick rise to the top from total obscurity garnered him a number of enemies. As a lone man many companies wanted to take him down and gain the rights to his patents. Jasper though preferring independence turned to the University of Donnol to protect his work and himself. This didn't come cheap though as it siphons most of his income now. He is thankful though as months later a hired gun did go after jasper. Jasper ran for weeks to avoid his pursuer but they eventually met when jasper had to go to the market for food. The assailant stared down the twenty two year old, unaware jasper was armed. In one swift unthinking motion jasper pulled his revolver shooting the man three times in the chest. Jasper felt no remorse he was ragged and tired of running. He had fought society to reach where he was a scumbag with a gun was nothing. From that point on Jasper built his business without fear ready to kill to protect his dream. He has left the workshop to his employees to tend orders, and given business ownership to his long time friend Jefferson Tyler from unova, while he sorts his personal affairs. He still invents for the business but just can't stand Entrin's society any longer. Having heard about Palm's studies through other university members he took the chance as a way to both sure up his business with the pay and get away from it all. Pokemon(you may start with 2 pokemon, or 3 if you choose a profession specifically about pokemon training) Species: Pawniard Name: Rook Ability: Defiant Moves: Scratch, Leer, Fury Cutter, Torment, Faint Attack Appearance: Rook sports brass colored blades due to his diet of scrap brass along with normal prey. Other: [img][/img] Species: Chespin Name: Aecron Ability: Bulletproof Moves: Tackle, Growl, Vine Whip, Rollout, Bite Appearance: Aecron has a dark red outer coat like a autumn treeline as that was the season he was born in. Other: [/hider]