[center][h2][color=007236]Eve - Crocus Park[/color][/h2][/center] The Necromancer stood by, watching Nero quickly turn the nice grass into solid stone and reaching towards the stranger in an alarming vicinity. Eve quickly took another step closer towards the two, but stopped once again. She was second guessing herself once again in her ability to do anything helpful, and was almost stuck inside of an infinite loop of self doubt. She was actually missing her attitude from her past life. Sure, it would lead her into many situations in which she would blow up in dark energy, but at least she wouldn't take no for an answer to make people feel happy. However, it seemed that Eve did something right during her crisis of trying to help her friend out. When his eyes finally saw her, his posture of frustration seemed to slowly change into something much calmer than he once appeared inside of the park. Eve saw this and her feeling of anxiety quickly drained from her body as Nero started to make his way over towards her. It felt pretty nice to see Nero this way again, and she needed to work on trying to make Nero feel truly happy, even when she was not around. However, as he said some pretty comforting things and a squeeze towards her hand, this was good enough for now. Eve gave a big smile towards her newly revitalized friend, she was just about to give a nice big hug to Nero before she heard someone else running towards the two and Gabriel that Eve had legitimately forgot about. Her head turned towards the newcomer, and with closer inspection, the newcomer appeared to be another friendly face towards Nero, Ayame! It was always a nice plan to surround him with people that enjoyed his presence. Eve waved towards the little girl and turned back to answer the question of her apparent silence. However, that was quickly cut short as Ayame ran straight into the Genie, and her eyes caught the gut punch towards the poor boy. Eve winced at the sudden blow towards Nero, but her face soon turned into another big smile as she found the snuggling of the chest quite adorable. After the huggling had ended and Ayame was back in her normal position of hiding behind Nero, Eve gave a little chuckle with a thumbs up towards Ayame and turned towards Nero to answer his question. The Necromancer pointed at her neck and made an 'X' symbol with her arms trying to signal that she couldn't speak. And yet again, Eve needed to find some other way to communicate rather than trying to play charades with everyone.