[u]Name:[/u] Terry the Terrible [u]Race:[/u] Ghoul [u]Age:[/u] Pre-War [u]Appearance:[/u] Much like other Ghouls, Terry's hair has fallen out, and his skin is a mottled grey-yellow. However, most of the time he is inside his chinese Dragoon armor, from his time before the war started. Aside from that, large parts of his body are composed of cybernetics, most of them by choice from his many years of living. Both arms have been completely replaced, his legs have been augmented though not removed, and he has received ocular implants that improve his vision. The last implant causes his eyes to glow a dull blue. [u]Sexual Preference:[/u] Asexual [u]Perks:[/u] Thief Ninja Cyborg [u]S.P.E.C.I.A.L.[/u] Strength: 7 Perception: 8 Endurance: 4 Charisma: 3 Intelligence: 8 Agility: 8 Luck: 2 [u]Personality:[/u] Terry's personality could be likened to a flame: he can help those he considers friend, of which there are few, but treat him wrong and he'll become a raging torrent that consumes anything that comes his way. That isn't to say he will become out of control; instead he will methodically plan out his revenge, and then strike when his opponent least expects it. Whether it be a simple prank or full blown murder depends on the slight against him. It doesn't help that he's gruff and seems to have no way with words. And that he's a ghoul. And chinese. And a cyborg. [u]Equipment:[/u] [list] [*] Chinese Stealth Armor (well worn but still serviceable) [*] Chinese pistol (nearly broken) [*] Chinese sword [*] Plasma Rifle [*] Ripper [*] 10 stimpacks [*] 965 caps [/list] [u]Biography:[/u] A former Chinese espionage agent, Terry worked along with other chinese agents at Mama Dolce's factory near Arlington Cemetery. Being one of the few Dragoons stationed in America, he was tasked with protecting the other agents in the event of a war or their discovery. The war came first. Not long after the nukes went off, the workers in the factory became ghouls due to the radiation, and Terry was no exception. Knowing they would need supplies, Terry became the scavenger of the group, going out for supplies and trading for bits and pieces. In this way, his knowledge of the english language excelled while the skills of those at the factory floundered. A few years before the present day, Terry was out on one of his supply runs when the Lone Wanderer attacked the factory. When he came back, all of his colleagues were dead, and checking the factory cameras he saw that a single man had done the deed. He swore revenge, and soon found out the man who had massacred Mama Dolce's factory was working with the Enclave. Already hateful of the Enclave for their supremacist views, Terry's loathing for them only increased. He now swears revenge against both the Lone Wanderer and the Enclave. With almost nothing left from his chinese heritage, Terry left behind his original name, and began to use his scavenger name full time. He has never looked back, but has never forgotten the crimes committed against him. [u]Other Notes:[/u] Terry rarely if ever takes off his stealth armor. It hides the fact that he's a ghoul and a cyborg, and it lets him turn invisible at a moment's notice. He's become rather attached to it.