[center][color=mediumslateblue]Shouken Washi[/color] [img]http://i61.tinypic.com/2880lv.jpg[/img] [h2][color=mediumslateblue]"The Oasis"[/color][/h2][/center] ________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Shouken peered from atop his general store before the speech was to be given. He had a wonderful view of the mansion and was basically eye level from his father's store. He had been somewhat meditating (sleeping) through his High and was now awaiting the Hokage. He had read many things about Zeno and thought him to be more than capable of performing his tasks. However, Shouken, always sees the best in people when he's one or two hits deep.. While he slept, fantasies of being Hokage or even possessing such power flourished through his mind. [color=mediumslateblue][i]Think of the money that guy makes...The women....[/i][/color] Suddenly he was awoken by the annoying cell-phone ring that he puts off changing. It was Aoi trying to round the Chunin up, but Shouken wasn't neccesarily feeling the moving idea and instead held his power button down, shutting off his phone. [color=mediumslateblue]"Next time Aoi, next time..."[/color] He grinned at his laziness and resumed his slumber. He was comfortable knowing that from this distance, the Hokage would more than likely wake him up. [color=mediumslateblue][i]Now where was I? Oh the ladies....[/i][/color]