[centre][IMG]http://i1279.photobucket.com/albums/y523/textcraft/Aug%202015%20-%204/ae2ce7a219cf928ea4b343c6d875b5f8f8225283e98c57874fc9b571e22675cea552978e07a7525cda39a3ee5e6b4b0d3255bfef95601890afd807096744_zpsxuloylkv.png[/IMG][hr][hr] 'Twas the night before Orientation, when all through the dorm house, not a creature was stirring, not even a mouse. Her socks were strung about the room without care, with hopes that nobody soon would be there. The gal was nestled, all snug in her bed, with visions of n00bz getting fragged in her head. But silence is fleeting, much as is sleep, for out of the darkness there came a small beep. But at first it was nothing, the girl simply snoozed on. But nothing became something, and thus her sleep had gone. Jordan, annoyed by the alarm, grabbed her pillow and smashed it against her head. Maybe if she ignored it, it would go away. The alarm was having none of that. Angered by the girl’s shunning, or perhaps threatened or challenged, the clock brought out the big guns, screaming out into the nothing. If it couldn’t wake her, perhaps an angry mob of her neighbors would do. Jordan, discovering that pillows were not as effective as she thought when it came to being earmuffs, scrunched up her face and cast the pillow to live out the rest of its days as a floor pillow. Such failures would not be tolerated. She quickly scrambled to her feet, ignoring their protests against the cold floor, and crossed the dark room, hammering the top of the alarm clock when it came into reach. She had placed it on the windowsill because, well, she couldn’t be trusted not to abuse the snooze button. Well, with that crisis out of the way, she might as well reward herself. A couple more hours of sleep ought to do...wait… Jordan shook her head, dismissing the thought. Her eyes had just started to finish adjusting to the limited light when she looked at the clock. Five-thirty. The tiny ginger loosed a flood of curses directed at her alarm. She could have swore that she set it for...err...well, much later. A sigh escaped her as she plopped down in the tiny chair by her desk. She was too wired now to go back to sleep but...what sane person would actually be up at this hour? A few moments passed with her just stewing in her chair, lamenting the death of her sleep schedule, but eventually she gave up and gathered a few essentials before heading off to the bathroom. Might as well get a shower in while she was up. Showers rule. Feeling rather clean and refreshed, Jordan returned to her dorm room. She once again considered crashing but ultimately decided against it. She instead decided to go ahead and get dressed. A pair of darker skinny jeans was ripped from its resting place and flung onto her bed. That was easy enough. As for shirts...Jordan looked at them all for a few moments, then decided to go with ole faithful, a Nirvana “Smiley Face” shirt. She almost grabbed a flannel as well, but meh, why make more laundry? After switching out of her pajama pants and gray tank top, and into the day’s outfit, Jordan even went ahead and put on her shoes, a pair of old black Converse and a black beanie. Satisfied, Jordan turned back to check the time. Six fifteen. She almost screamed. Well, whatever. She crossed the room and bent down next to the minifridge by her desk. She pulled out a ten ounce bottom of Sunny D, grabbed a granola bar, and took a seat at her desk before booting up her laptop. She opened her drink and took a swig, unleashing the sun. Orange juice ruled. Once the crappy laptop finished coughing and crying, she moved the pointer to the big ‘W’ in the center of her desktop. If she was going to be up this early, might as well do SOMETHING… [hr] She had spent plenty of time exploring the world of Azeroth by the time she had finally checked the clock again. Apparently, during adventures, the sun had decided to pop out. And time had decided that it was a strong independant woman that didn’t need no man running it’s life and it was going to do as it pleased. Unfortunately, that meant for Jordan that she had just about enough time to panic before jetting out of the room. If she could somehow please Mistress Time once more, she might not be late for the assembly. Maybe, just maybe… [hr] She was late, which was just great, y’know? It’s not like she was an out of state student that knew all of two people thus far. But whatever, this was a plus, an opportunity to meet some new people. She could probably find a seat somewhere… By the time Jordan had gotten to the gymnasium and entered the room, there was a big commotion going on. Half of the room seemed to be cheering, and the other side was laughing. She scanned the room, a bit confused. Apparently she missed something. Oh well. She noticed quite a few people wearing clothes that may or may not have costed more than what her dad brought home a year. A bit daunting, that, but something she had come to see a lot of lately. Especially at work. Apparently some rich dudes really liked sports bars. Go figure. She opted to grab just the nearest seat she could find. That happened to be near the back, on the right. Right behind some big dude that she had no possible way of seeing past. Unless she could somehow develop X-Ray vision… She held her breath and stared daggers into the back of the big man’s head. No dice. She left out a tiny sigh and just resigned herself to listening. Once again, comic books had raised her expectations only to disappoint. Bah. The headmaster? Dean? President? Whoever he was, he sure liked to drone on and on. He didn’t really say anything that seemed out of the ordinary. Rules and expectations. Honestly, Jordan got a bit bored partway through, and ended up pulling out her cellphone and browsing social media. Then she somehow ended up on Reddit, reading about how some guy woke up next to a bear or something. People were awesome. Weird, but awesome. It wasn’t until she heard a bunch of gasps and muttering that Jordan was pulled back to reality. Apparently, the assembly was over. A bit underwhelming, that. She caught some people on the other side of the gym looking in her direction, mouths hanging open. Puzzled, Jordan searched about for what was so shocking. Judging by some of the people around her, it seemed like everyone was looking at some chick in a purple dress. Jordan didn’t get it. Yeah, she was pretty cute, and the dress was nice, but did that really warrant such disbelief? … Was this girl famous or something? Because really, the more Jordan looked about, the more people she noticed occasionally glancing over at Purps. She did look somewhat familiar...eh, she couldn’t quite place it. Or maybe it wasn’t even Purps? There were a couple others there too, all seemingly trying to chat up some dude that seemed a bit...well, it didn’t seem like this was the happiest day of his life. His satellites were a blonde chick and some dark hair dude tha… Waaaiiit a moment...now she KNEW she had seen him before. Like, before she came to the school. Like on the internet. OH! Oh snap! She knew him. She used to watch his videos on YouTube like, a lot. That was...pretty cool. She considered going over and saying hello. Why not? After all, they were all students here, right? That was some common ground. And she might have even done that but, well, she really wanted a smoke right about then. Being the slave to nicotine that she was, she had to comply, thus tiny Ollie hopped up from her seat and strolled over to the exit, dodging and darting in and out harm’s way. Tall people, in her experience, not too considerate when walking. She’d rather not be trampled to death before classes had even started. A week or two after, and sure, Mufasa her. Until then, however, she didn’t think it was too much to ask for a little walking room. Oh well. Once outside, she crossed over to near the parking lot. She wasn’t entirely sure of the school’s policy on smoking but...well, most places didn’t mind it in the parking lot, right? And if they did, well, screw ‘em. She needed one, dammit. [i]“...CeCe Barker...”[/i] As Jordan pulled out a cigarette and plucked it in her mouth, she heard a couple chicks behind her gossiping away. She fought her lighter to catch spark, then finally got her cig lit and took a deep drag, letting the horribly toxic smoke unleash havoc and mayhem upon her lungs. It was okay, though. Ollie was a happy girl and these things kept her that way. It was worth the potential ruined lung in her opinion. Alright, so it wasn’t, and was actually something she was horribly terrified of. She had also tried quitting a few times and that didn’t really go over well. Maybe some other time though… While she puffed away, Jordan noticed some more people about her whispering and gossiping. She heard the name CeCe time and time again. Eventually she gave in and followed the gazes to this tall blonde bombshell. Honestly, Jordan had to do a double take. This chick was about as stereotypically Hollywood as Jordan had imagined back home. It seemed like she was chatting with a couple guys. Some guy with an admittedly pretty righteous beard and… Upon seeing the third person, Jordan pulled another double take. Hadn’t she like...just seen this dude? Inside? In different clothing? There was no way he beat her out here and changed into a completely different outfit...bah, her mind was most likely just playing tricks on her. Side effect of broken sleep schedule, probably. A buzzing went off in the girl’s pocket. She pulled out her phone to see a text. It was one of the other hosts at work asking if she’d cover his shift. Jordan frowned and looked away from the phone at the lot full of nice cars while taking another drag. She didn’t really want to go in on her day off...but money. She decided to make the poor boy squirm a bit before answering. He was kind of a prick, so well, he deserved it. She probably would do it, honestly, but she wanted to at least meet a couple of people first. … After the cigarette, of course. [/centre]