[b]Michael[/b] Michael flinched as someone approached them, looking up and seeing Ryan. He glanced away again. Michael only really knew Prince and Zephyr well, anyone else in the guild was a stranger to him, and therefore terrifying. "t-t-t-the e-event is over, not the b-b-b-buh-battles" he stuttered out, looking down at his hands, hoping that Zephyr would take over. [b]Tidius[/b] Curious, Tidius stepped closer, [color=0072bc]"My eyes see fine, thank you. How do you know Ariel? You speak with an odd familiarity with her, given that she has never summoned a spirit before that she knows off"[/color] He said, studying the spirit and waiting for her to answer, wish t know more before he continued. Such a...diverse magic. So alluring, tidius still didn't get his hopes up that this could be the answer to his problems. [b]Time Lord[/b] Time Lord gave a sigh as Eve left, and he stopped Ayama's 'punishment' on him, freezing the chair in mid fall with a simple time spell. He moved chairs, and sat at the table for a moment, dropping his head into his hands. For a brief moment, he looked incredibly young. In that moment, you could tell his age, somewhere between 13 and 16. His expression was sad, and pained, but the moment passed, and he rose knowing it would be better for everyone if he wasn't here when they got back. He left a folded piece of paper behind, by eve's place. [u][i]I'm sorry. If you want me, just call my name, little Eve.[/i] [/u]he hesitated, before signing his name, [u][i]Parker[/i][/u]. He would answer to Time Lord, as well of course. He sighed, and headed out the hotel, going out through the kitchens, he moved smoothly, looking up as the first event seemed to end. He gave a sigh, the slight wind fluttering his hair, and stood there a moment. For the first time in a long time, he seemed lost. He didn't know where to go from here. He shoved his heads in his pockets, and rocked back on his heals. Moisture glistened in his eyes, and time Lord continued to walk, There were two people he could talk to now, and he decided to go with the easier of the two, he headed to the arena. He was a fool for expecting he could have even a few hours of happiness. He only hoped he had done enough, to make the future easier on all those he cared about. He knew he wouldn't be around to see it. [i]but my spells on Eve will last, until I'm no longer here. If they are broken, I'll be able to know, to be there in a flash. I can still look after her, even if I can't be with her[/i] He moved to the arena, through the crowds, searching for where Dragon Fang would be. [b]Penny[/b] Her, any sort of master? That was a laugh. There were better people suited for Master status, and Penny knew she wasn't one of them. She pushed those thoughts aside, and listened to Trinity. Penny frowned, she hadn't gotten much further then the magic council library, and with a jolt, Penny looked away, remembering that had been where they had had the whole killing conversation. All in all, that hadn't been a good day, and to think the complications from it could still effect things now. As Trinity continued, speaking about love, Penny doubt that was the power she had, more, iti seemed, like she was helping Karn. Penny gave a soft sigh, and said softly, [color=f7976a]"It does. The trouble is, you have to accept that love for it to be any good."[/color] Penny wondered how the master could deal with everything, it seemed like there were so many currents in the guild, and if you didn't pay attention to one, it would be swept away. Karn and whatever was wrong with him, Trinity's kidnapping, miterha's disappearance, and on top of that, the games themselves, or in normal times, keeping track of members and their jobs. As S class, Penny felt the need to help Master Jamie with it all now. The funny thing was, she would have done it even without the S class status. She hadn't wanted it, but her she was anyway. The only difference was, the Master seemed to think she was better watching over the guild the doing something, sending Damian for action. [color=f7976a]"Just stay safe, okay? Maybe don't go out on your own while we are here. There's a lot going on, and I doubt crocus would be happy if we tore it apart because of all that"[/color] She said, with a smile, glancing to the lacrima screen, which should have been off, but was showing the scene between Master Jamie, Jarvis who had just appeared, and Amelia. [color=f7976a]"Oh, for goodness sake."[/color] She started down the steps, to the lower platform of the arena, and just as the Games Master was heading off the arena, she flung a fireball at him. [color=f7976a]"Turn the damn Lacrima off! You think Amelia want's to have this displayed!"[/color] She pointed to the screen in fury, as Games Master Sheldon dodged the fire ball.