[@Zarkun][@Lmpkio] [color=00746b]NOLAN[/color], [color=662d91]DALTON[/color], and [color=ed1c24][b]ENMA[/b][/color] [i][color=00a99d]GYAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH! WHY DOES THIS ALWAYS HAPPEN TO ME?![/color][/i] Nolan screamed in his head while trying to main a poorly executed poker face. Beads of sweat ran down his head and his face had turned into a red tomato in less than a second. Her warm breath against his ear sent a cold shiver of death down his spine and for a second he saw a bright white light at the end of a dark tunnel. If there was a time that trying to hold a cool composure would be almost impossible this was the time. He sighed in relief when James erected a barrier of light to keep the two of them separated. Hell he didn't care about Jame little comment after that. As long he was separated from the crazy lady then he was happy. [color=662d91]"Well hellllllllo Marlene. Lookin' good!"[/color] Dalton said with a wide grin though was soon brought to a frown and gave James brief glare at separating him from the beauty. He sighed and sat down back on Nolan's lap, watching the games finish up. A large shadow crept up from behind the trio and he turned to see what it was. His eyes widened wide enough to make his sunglasses look puny. It was a towering figure that was taller than three mages by a long shot with two horns protruding from its head with a massive spiked club in its hand. [color=662d91]"AHHHHHHHH! WHAT IS THAT?!"[/color] Dalton screamed and hugged the side of Nolan's head. [color=ed1c24]"...Did you really need to scream?"[/color] Enma, the oni, said with a dead pan expression on his face. [@CirusArvennicus] [color=fff200][b]RILEY FROM ENCHANTED STYLE MAGAZINE[/b][/color] This...this was so...SO COOL! Skull armor, sun armor, giant airships, gunners, summoning spirits! This was so damn cool that he could hardly contain himself! He was supposed to be writing about the fashion choices the mages picked, but he found himself writing about the actual events happening in the games themselves! How could he be writing about fashion when people are literally blasting solar energy at each other?! Holy crap this was the second day of the games too! Just how much more awesome can be packed into this?! It was too bad that his sister wasn't there to enjoy it herself. She would probably be having a field day with all of the stuff going on! [@Caits] [color=00aeef][b]FERRIS[/b][/color] [color=00aeef]"I must say that this was an exciting round! I can't wait to see what else we're going to see soon! We're seeing so many other kinds of magic and yet we've hardly scratched the surface! Oh man I wish I was apart of the games, but alas I'm not in a guild."[/color] He said the last part with a hint of disappointment. It certainly would've been fun to be participate in the actual games, but he would have to join a guild. It's not like he wasn't planning to not join a guild. If anything he's using the games as a chance to see which guild appealed to him the most and then join.