[@Zarkun] [@hatakekuro] [color=f49ac2][h2]Marlene Evangeline[/h2][/color] Marlene giggles as she looks at Nolan's face. Yup, she got him alright. She got him reaaaaaal good. [color=f49ac2]"My my,"[/color] she says, [color=f49ac2]"Your face is as red as a tomato. How adorable, fufu!"[/color] She then winks in response to Dalton's response. Marlene was planning on probably seducing him to be with her when suddenly, a barrier of light separates her from the other two. She yelped in surprise, which turned into a frown of disappointment. She looks up to see the Paladin looming over the two. [color=f49ac2]"Awwww I didn't mean to cause such a distress,[/color] Marlene answers innocently, [color=f49ac2]"We're actually good friends you know? Just wanted to pull a small prank. Nothing wrong with that right?"[/color] That was just a small lie for him to go away. Hopefully he'll take the bait, but if not, oh well. She'll approach Nolan and his Exceed some other time.