[b]Gratia Mindaro - Hallway Navigation[/B] A green-grey satchel slung across her body, her black jacket and checkerboard-grey skirt tidied up for a new semester, concentration utterly focused on a simple white booklet in her hands rather than the hallway around her, Gratia Mindaro appeared to be no less than another diligent student, familiarising herself with the mathematics curriculum one last time before she jumped in classes proper. The fact was, of course, that she had not actually found the time to read up on the semester's work until right after combat class, when she needed to distract herself from the irksome outcome of her spar. The frantic rush of arriving in a new country had been quite overwhelming as well. [i][color=66cd00]Rates of change, differentiation of polynomials, integration ... so it appears there will be a focus on calculus.[/color][/i] That was not particularly worrying. She had touched upon the study during her time at Haven, and it was not something that she had experienced struggle with; in fact, the situation was quite the opposite - the Mistralese huntress had taken to the subject quite well. Not that it was surprising. She was superior in all aspects. That was a fact. Gratia skillfully weaved herself around a student she would have walked into, eyes still scanning the booklet in her hands even as she stepped around the crowds moving to class. The incessant and annoying chatter of the youths were of absolutely no importance to her. There was no point in listening to what she cared nothing about, and the presence of her headphones around her head, quiet music flowing through the cans, was emblematic of her complete apathy for the unwashed, inferior masses. She snapped the booklet shut, dropping into her satchel with a smooth motion. That was all she needed for now. Nothing more, nothing less.