Florence grinned widely when the boy responded to her- Jackson, Jack, Jackie. She made a mental note of his name and age in case it'd come in handy later, which it WOULD, and quickly hopped over the back of the couch and landed in a seat next to Jackson. She grasped his hands in both of hers, shaking it very rapidly with an excited expression on her face. Then she let go of his hand quite suddenly and leaned backwards, her face screwing into a sort of thinking expression. "[color=9e0b0f]Wait, didn't I scare you? AaaawwwWWWWwwWW. You should've been more scared. That usually works on people.[/color]" Her expression changed once more back into the more excited smiling face and she leaned forward very drastically, getting into Jackson's face again. "[color=9e0b0f]Jitterbug? I like it, but where'd the name come from?[/color]" She tilted her head, expression once again shifting to a quizzical one. She considered the possible reasons for the nickname. She WAS pretty small... Hmm. Not justification enough, she decided very quickly.