[color=mediumslateblue]"Cousin?"[/color] Gippal glanced at Saina as she asked with a single word, her eyebrow raised. [color=mediumslateblue]"I'd thought Urick was your brother. With the way you two interact and look alike..."[/color] As she paused he nodded, it's true he got that a lot with Urick, and it didn't matter to him they basically were brothers. [color=mediumslateblue]"Excluding physique, that is."[/color] He stood straighter and took a breath to complain, but she added after a moment, [color=mediumslateblue]"That may have come off as offensive... I apologize. Your own physique does suit you, as well as your cousins. But, I'm getting off topic,"[/color] She turned to one of the Yevon priests and bowed her head. [color=mediumslateblue]"Thank you for your hospitality. We graciously accept."[/color] He bowed his head slightly as well, as the priest pointed to a side room for them to go to. "It's true, we get that a lot that we look like brothers. Our mothers are sisters, and he gets his massive gene from his father, who is as big as him. We've been inseparable since we were kids really. Guy doesn't talk much, even to me, we developed our own way of communicating." Gippal looked over his shoulder at Sifen as he walked to them. He then started to speak in Al Bhed and pulled his head back slightly confused on why he was explaining why he needed money in the other tounge. Blinking a few times at the summ of money needed for the project to be done, he then answered back in Al Bhed, he was just as fluent as Sifen but his accent was slightly off. He knew Al Bhed from all those years spending time with uncle Gippal and auntie Rikku. "Dnuhda dnyomert Kuc? mohica wuqurk e sneuh zyoctr'd symd dned losn. Zned'm dni muti bhyvisd?" "Mega E cyet, YHT y ceta bnuzald! Ed'c esbundyhd dnicd sa." Sifen responded. grabbing his left shoulder with his right arm and rubbing it a bit. A twang of pain shot through it and Sifen couldn' help but smile. Pain ment feeling was returning to the arm and he was absolutey deighted. Priests stopped staring at him for some reason once Gippal started talking, but he sounded... off. It was like he was trying to do a weird voice for some character. What a weird time to do that. Gippal looked to Sifen's arm as he grabbed his left shoulder. A light of understanding came to him as he stood there with Eva in his arms. "Ah....Zicc yg...pod nyz ehi ayo korre bea li pesg uw U cirt ayo dnum lyria? Ehi ayo kyurk dy pi dni yri zyhgurk yr Nai's sneuh?" He shifted slightly looking at him What a silly question, of COURSE he would be working on the chair. Did any other member of The Guardians have the technical know how to do it? He let out a quick and cocky breath through his nose. "Uv luinca, pid dryd'mm pa yvdan E piemt so yn- vencd bnuzald. Ed'mm dyga muhkan ev E tuh'd piemt drec udran drehk vencd. Pid E naymmo haat dra Kem du kad yho uv drec tuha, dra salryhel ec fyedehk vun sa du byo res vun dra hekrd." he released his grip from his shoulder and saw Eva hiding inside of GIppal's shoulder and gave her a sympathetic look, but words didn't seem like something that would help Eva. "Cra tuach'd mega Gemegy yc silr yc E ryda Mily... fryd rybbahat." he muttered before returning his gaze to Gippal. "Cu E haat zicd y meddma vnus ajanouha, E'mm ku veht Inelg yht Ymaq yht Hyecry yvdan drec, E'mm nabyo oui ymm cusaruf... E zicd tuh'd ghuf ruf oad." Gippal nodded at Sifen's answer and glanced at Eva as Sifen did When he asked about Eva he answered, "Zi tyr'd gryz, Mni whiegm cugi dnum iesn duli zi ehi nihi...pod mni um esdoecca e cyd lyhi secl dner mni zem cemd duli mursi piurk urmuti dni dilbci. Dned'm e kyyt mukr. " Gippal Looked back to Sifen as he finished speaking and shook his head "Tyr'd riit dy, U'cc bea ud. U Mnyoct erazea wyh lummurk nih puhdnteam... Pod uw ayo degi ud ayo zyhg wyh li dy bea ud yww. U nefi er Euhmnub dned'm kiddurk hibeuhm ryz ur .... U tyr'd nefi e Lisnerus pod uw ayo nefi ry xoehhicm..." Sifen quirked up at the mention of airship mechanic. That was his last job before landing in Besaid, and by landing he means being tossed out of a moving airship after attempting in flight upgrades to moving parts (successfully might I add!) He was in a strange sort of shock. He was happy, confused and concerned all at once. "E ir, oac. Pid frana... ruf... E zicd. Dryhg oui? DRENDO DRUICYHT. Eh ouin bulgad nekrd huf. Yencreb. Taym." Gippal smiled at Sifen. He then shifted Eva slowly not to disturb her from her hiding spot on his neck. Shifting her so his left arm held her thighs as his right hand quickly went to his back pocket, grabbing the wallet and expertly pulled out some cash, with two fingers he pulled Three ten thousand bills and handed it to Sifen. "Nihi, degi ud. Ecmy...ayo ty hiecuji zi'fi piir mbiegurk ur Ec Pnit wyh myli hiemyr... Did you mean to do that?" Sifen blushed a bit. He hadn't even noticed he had been speaking in a different language since he spoke to the man at the studio he was going to rent. He took the money slowly and put it in one of his many pockets. "I... Had no idea." His voice had a certain accent in it that was now far less subtle as he came out of the language and back into common. "I'll uh, go find Nai and grab that chair now unless I'm needed here. Am I?" He asked already backing up slowly toward the door. Gippal didn't realize he had just given Sifen more money than he had ever had at once and didn't want to risk anything happening on his way to nai and to the shop. He looked anxious to get it out of his hands, despite the joy of having such money. "No go ahead and take care of that...special project." He said as he glanced to everyone still in the temple. And started for the room once Sifen left. Once inside he went to one of the beds and tried to lay Eva down But she only freaked and tightened her arms around Gippals neck even more. Gippal let out an, "Erk..." As she was starting to choke him. "It's ok..." he said hoarsely "I'm not leaving you." She loosened the death grip as he spun around and sat on the bed instead. He could tell though the temple was working, He was nearly killed the last time that happened about a year ago. He looked to those still in the room "It's a step but I think Urick was right on, coming to the temple. She is way more calm than she was before." The priest, came back in and asked if they needed anything else, Gippal spoke up. "Do you know when the next ship is arriving?" The Priest gave a small smile, "In four days Sir." At which Gippal nodded slowly, working it in his head, That wasn't going to work. "Do you have a comms Sphere?" The priest nodded, "Yes, it's just outside of the temple. You can't miss it." "Thank you." He said as the Priest nodded again. [Hr] [color=ed1c24]"I'm fine. You don't need to bother with me. You should go with the others. They'll need you more. Especially since I can't go inside. But thanks for checking up on me. At least some of you hasn't changed. Still nice most of the time."[/color] Alex said, giving a slight smile along with a soft sigh as she walked outside, stretching. Urick turned as she walked outside and followed, His head down as he pushed his two forefingers together. Before looking at Alex as she stretched. He looked away as his ears burned and swallowed. "I..." He stopped thinking of something better to say. "They...'re fine." He said, scratching the back of his head. "Can't... I." He looked to her. "Just spend time...with a friend?" He forced himself through it. He was freaking out on the inside still. "Sorry..." He said thinking to when she thought he was being unkind. "Just...worried bout you."