[@floodtalon][@Thantos] "[color=plum]Alien's aren't all that uncommon. Maybe she's come here for a reason. Although we should probably quarantine her for a little while to be sure she doesn't unwittingly carry something that could make people sick.[/color]" Kagerou herself didn't worry much about that. She stepped over to Estella who drew back a bit. In a calm voice she responded. "[color=plum]Don't worry sweetheart. No one is going to hurt you.[/color]" The girl didn't respond at all so she took a step back into her office and came back with a pen and paper. She wrote a little on it to show what it was for and then held them out to Estella. Glancing at the pen and pad Estella took them in her hands. She had to think a while before she started writing. It wasn't any language they had ever seen. When done she handed it back to Kagerou. Looking it over Kagerou wasn't quite sure what it meant. "[color=plum]Well she doesn't seem to speak but she can write. It'll take a while to decipher though. Let me give J'onn a call. Maybe his mental abilities could be helpful here.[/color]" She stepped back in to make the call. Seeing that what she wrote wasn't really helping Estella glanced at Ryan. Maybe if she focused enough she could speak with them. Ryan being the first person to find her she attempted to talk to his mind. First though she would need to try and get a little information from him. He having other voices already he would probably notice her attempt to enter his mind.