BAAAAAGMAAAAN continued running, jumping, cartwheeling, and just plain parkouring around the primary road of the town, bouncing off of sturdy things like some sort of rabbit. He came to the crossroads, and as Imgor shouted "HALT!", it reflexively made him do so. He remarked upon Imgor's familiar, "Lovely little mole, by the way!", then braced to jump above and behind his little harasser. This would be Eresings' chance to capture... THE ELUSIVE BAGMAN! Yet, Alex jumped from roof to roof, and landed on one nearby, shooting off a flare-spell before Joshua could jump. "AAAAH, BAGMANS EYES!", He'd shout. He stopped his little stance and landed on his own ass. "BAGMANS' eyeballs were still adjusting to the light some! Now they're ON FIRE!". He'd try to rub his eyes, being mostly stopped by his own paper bag. Now, it was perfect for a DOUBLE CAPTURE! OH YEAH!