[color=007236][b]Emerald Felicia - Hallway Navigation -[/b][/color] Emerald had been resting in the stands, watching any last matches as it was announced that it was time to move onto the next period. Emerald seemed to become visibly depressed when she saw the words 'Math'. What did a huntress need math for anyway? To count how many grimm they killed? She thought it was dumb. Still, she made her way there, though more slowly and with far less enthusiasm as she had for combat class. She decided to think about something else, like the duel she was going to have with Krysthane after classes. It would be glorious, she just [i]knew[/i] it. With the impending doom of math class forgotten, she became more upbeat as she skipped and dodged passed various students as she made her way down the halls. She noticed that she was quickly approaching the Luke guy who had fought against Shiro in combat class, and that Gratia was a bit further ahead...though Emmy didn't really want to get too close to Gratia she was kind of scary. Luke though...she didn't really know much about him, other that what she'd seen when he and Shiro dueled. So she caught up to him, matched his pace and sort of just stared at him with big, curious eyes.