Arathyra gave a sigh of relief when the bandit leader finally agreed to help them. She was staring after him as he made his way into the woods until he said, "[color=green]Coming?[/color]". Shaking herself out of her reverie she hurriedly made her way after the leader. Arathyra couldn't help but thinking about how handsome he was, with his cloak flourishing behind him and his eye a beautiful shade of green. And he was good with that bow of his- for a second she flashed back to what he had been like when Morag had shown up and what he had do to him. She shook her head, he'd done what he had to, even if it was more than a little scary. Besides he was helping them, surely he couldn't be bad. As she followed him through the tress, albeit somewhat more clumsily, she said, "[b]Thank you so much for helping us sir. Are you sure there isn't [i]anything[/i] I can help you with?[/b]"After all it would be no good for him to help them and receive nothing in return, surely she could help in someway. "[b]And, if you don't mind me asking, why is it you hate erm, royals so much? I haven't been at the castle for very long but Lord Alvin is very charming and kind, what possible reason could you have for disliking him?[/b]" Lord Alvin had even been gracious enough to show the stone, the whole reason they'd had to leave the castle. And it was such a pretty stone at that. [@Harbringer]