My interest in this is such that I felt compelled to write up a CS immediately. I couldn't even wait for the OOC. [hr][Hider=Nisha][center][img][/img][/center] [b]Name:[/b] Nisha Keller [b]Gender:[/b] Female [b]Age:[/b] 17 [b]About Me:[/b] Nisha's parents first became aware of their daughter's ocular powers when she was very young and their attempts to learn more about her strange abilities, internet searches, inquiries to doctors and scientists, etc, brought them to the attention of the Government organisation behind the Kokoro Division. Learning that Nisha was not a lone mutant but rather an important step in evolution and a valuable asset for the human race put their troubled minds at ease and, with promises that she would be well cared for, they entrusted Nisha to the Kokoro Division. Nisha's time growing up in the division was spent in training not just her ability but her body and mind and, after becoming somewhat enraptured by old japanese samurai flicks, she began training with the katana as her weapon of choice. [b]Ability:[/b] [color=f7941d][b]Godeyes[/b][/color] [indent]Nisha possesses a form of superhuman visual acuity. When focused she can see vast distances, in different spectrums of light, air currents, heat trails. She can see the miniscule and telltale signs a person unconsciously gives off when they lie and she can even track and anticipate the passage of a speeding bullet.[/indent] [b]Skills:[/b] [list][*] Nisha's enhanced vision has conditioned her mind to keep up, giving her preternatural reflexes. [*] Years of training has allowed Nisha to develop physical abilities capable of matching her reflexes. She is capable of near superhuman bursts of speed when necessary. [*] Due to a less-than-mild infatuation with samurai movies, Nisha has spent a good number of years training to use a katana. Lacking any formal training, she hasn't learnt to use kendo but rather a self-taught, individual sword style of her own.[/list][/hider]