[@Saephod] Glad to finally see a CS. The overall character is fine, but I just have some issues with her abilities. Her enhanced vision is a simple ability, no real problem there, but what's kinda weird is how strong she already is. The only things that I have issues with would be these: [color=9e0b0f][b][b]She can see the flow of blood throw a person's veins and the microscopic contortions of muscle beneath the skin before a person moves.[/b][/b][/color]. I suggest maybe removing that part out. As for her skills, I think you should replace the third one. Observation would come from you analyzing my posts and reacting accordingly given your characters personality. It would be weird if let's say that in a scenario, only your character wasn't able to notice the hints I was giving away just because you, the player, didn't notice. Go for something like some sort of mastery with a specific weapon like her katana. That way, if ever you're faced with a weapon user, you'd stand a fair chance against him. Lastly, its just a little habit of mine. You don't really need to do it if you don't want to, but I preferred if you spelled it out as [color=f7941d][b]God Eyes[/b][/color]. Otherwise, the character is good to go. Just use a [Hider} to keep it all tidy. Thanks man.