[center][img]http://i.imgur.com/GdNKNGw.png[/img][/center] [center][color=#76819D][u][b][h1]The Gypsy[/h1][/b][/u][/color][/center] [hr] >Yoyoyoyoyoyo, every1!!! letz meat @ EAST SCWARE 4 hukag meetin! 0k?! =^3^= -Aoi >Aoi-Taicho, The gypsy is already on her way. But the Gypsy would like pass on your invite. Sorry. - Momoi Pocketing her phone again. The Blonde hair girl made her way to the front of the Hokages building. Traveling from the CBD of the Hidden leaf was very tiring, especially when your friend drinks you under the table in a place that she is looking after. Cringing slightly while holding her head. Momoii changed her slowly pace to a much more faster one, the loud noises where splitting her head apart. [color=#76819D]"Why of all time does the Shitty Hokage make us come to the shitty village center for some shitty speech?!"[/color] she cursed the current hokage. Her anger lessened as she managed to escape the noises and found a more quiet path the her destination. [color=#76819D]"The gypsy needs sleep...."[/color] looking around the blonde haired girl quickly once a bench near the small pond before taking her seat and falling asleep quickly. During her slumber, her phone as died. the nearby pigeons stand on her but surprisingly didn't poop on her and passersby placed money at her feet, thinking she was homeless and needed new clothes, seeing what she wore would make anyone think that. Sadly to say, this was a usual routine for the Gypsy. On a Rare morning she wouldn't have an hangover and she would be training or going to her best friend's place. It would be 2 hours before she would wake up again, but this time with not much of a hangover. [hr] The Gypsy was now in front of the Hokage's building, half awake was more like it. She had been standing on her feet for awhile, and she hated that, unless she was a on mission. But even so she would need to be on the run or something. [color=#76819D]"Gahh...the Gypsy thinks this is the biggest waiting of her time!"[/color] crossing her arms with a huff, she exuded a intent of pure boredom and impatience, making everyone around her to move away from here. She resorted to tapping her foot on the ground while grinding her teeth [color=#76819D]"GAHHH!!....OI HOKAGE! GOT THE DAMN MOVE ON, THE GYPSY HAS PLACES TO BE!"[/color] this sudden outburst made everyone turn around her before she gave the same evil eye back to him [color=#76819D]"Got a problem, step up bitches!"[/color] she seethed at them before clutching her head [color=#76819D]"ow ow...too loud...."[/color] Some moved away once again while others shook their head, Momoi payed no mind to them as she closed her eye and tried to think of ways to misdirect her boredom away. Nothing came to mind. Even her best friend Chihiro wouldn't answer since she was on a mission.[color=#76819D] "I guess the Gypsy will have to bite her tongue for awhile. Why at of all times: does my phone die on me!"[/color] she cried dramatically as she pulled out her phone and yelled at it. [color=#76819D]"Damn you to hell!"[/color]