[hider=Patrick] Full Name: Patrick Ray Clements Age: 32 Gender: Male Rebirth: Yes Rank / Assignment: Corporal, Mechanic. Call-sign: "Trigger" Personality: Quiet and somewhat introverted Patrick is an oddity, although he is pretty funny and charismatic he just doesn't like to hang out with other people or rather people he doesn't know. Patrick is caring at most times, protecting his teammates is his main objective and being a good corporal is another, he is slightly charming at times and has a dire love of writing and poetry which is a secret hobby of his. his slight amnesia is a mild form of psychosis that has developed since his rebirth although he does not know the cause he knows it had something to do with the process of the rebirth (maybe a mistake that was made). History: Although he may not recall it, he was originally a cop and a mechanic. he remembers his wife and children though and he fiercely loves them even though it has been long since he has seen them. recently his wife divorced him and now he is in a slight state of depression. he also was originally a writer for a newspaper long ago he just can't remember a whole bunch of things since his Rebirth. Skills: Weapons Specialist; Patrick is good with a lot of weapons mostly heavy weapons, assault and light weapons, he is also good at shooting. Mechanic: Patrick is a fine mechanic who can fix things like a car and other military tech. Weakness: Fear of Death, because he has an unnatural fear of death he is most often worried. his other weakness is his protectiveness, he will do what it takes to protect his friends and family. Romantic Relationship: None at the moment. Other: He likes to listen to his iPod. Appearance: Patrick is a tall and strong looking man with broad shoulders and long arms and legs, he has short brown hair and light hazel eyes. [/hider]